Chapter 7 (Going out)

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I had spent hours here, When ever bubba and/or Chop comes to check on me they've started to Look through the room to take away anything sharp, since when they first came to check on me and found me.. Bleeding from some areas like my wrists and Saw that I had started to Eat my own skin, they weren't too happy, especially with the idea of how angry Drayton will be when he finds out about this..

(When they came to check on me the first time)
The two walked in, seemingly they had gotten over the things that had happened before, once they saw me.. their eyes widened and they began to panic and also Mumble things, as panicked as they were they sounded angry, Damn.

"Y/n What the hell were you thinkin'? Look at what ya did to yourself!" Chop groaned angrily, He pointed the Clothing hanger at me again as he crouched down Infront of me "Why would ya do that?", I rolled my eyes "I was hungry" was my simple reply, I heard a Confused whine from Leatherface, Chop put the clothing hanger down "Ya were hungry?", I just nodded, He eyed me suspiciously "what did ya use to do this to yourself?", I took the nail from next to me and showed it to him, I couldn't be lying since the nail had blood in it, he took the nail away from me and glared at me "you could do that much damage with this?", I nodded, being a bit disappointed in myself. He gave the nail to Leatherface, The two looked through the whole room to make sure there weren't anymore sharp objects around and they left.

While I laid on the ground, staring at the ceiling and soon I started hearing awful shouting, I could tell it was Drayton, Yet I've never heard him like this, I could hear insults which some I couldn't understand, one I could hear was "You Fudgepackers", "You coonShits" and "You Half Wits", the others were all like mumbles which I couldn't understand, Bubba's Scared whines couldn't be Unnoticed, ChopTop was just making angry growls, clearly not happy with the situation.

I got up to go see what was going on, my heels hurt a little, I got the room and looked over at them, now that I was out of the room I knew why this was happening, They had good Drayton about what I did to myself.

Once he noticed me he ran over and started hitting and Kicking me, insulting me just the same, I didn't make a sound, I just tried to protect my head, "Look at what you did to yourself! This is the completed opposite of what We've been trying to do!" He shouted as he kept hitting me, I wanted to talk back but the last time I did, I got a hammer to the head and that wasn't a nice experience, after a while of insults and getting a huge Bunch of hits and kicks, he calmed down a little and stopped, he looked over at the Two "You boys better keep a good eye on her and make sure she doesn't do this again", ChopTop rubbed the back of his head "B-b-But you told us to not her attached to 'er, if we need to see 'er more now, we'll definitely get attached to 'er", bubba nodded while making a "Uhuh" kind of noise, drayton walked over to them and stuck his pinky fingers in their noses, lifting them up so the two are looking up, which that hurts, "You two are to look after her and NOT get attached, You hear me?", The two whined in response, Drayton took that as a yes and let go of them "good, Now put her back into that room ajd get to work" he walked off, ChopTop growled as he held his hand to his nose, He soon enough started mumbling insults And from the tone of his voice, he was Making fun of Drayton with his mumbles, he started pushing me back into the room, I was listening to his mumbles Trying to make any words out of those mumbles, one thing I did get was "Just a Cook".

The day went by slowly, I would still rip open my scabs and eat what I got off, It's already become a thing I just do, thankfully, I was given permission to eat before bed, Which I thankfully did but I hadn't said a word, I just ate quietly.

This night was sleeping in Leatherface's room, after knowing that They aren't supposed to get attached to me, It became awkward, I was on my mattress on the floor, looking the other way and he was most likely doing the same on his bed, falling asleep that night was the hardest thing to do, not for him since he Was snoring loudly within minutes but I couldn't, I was afraid of going to sleep, I didn't want to wake up as a Grumpy person who doesn't care what happens and when, it wasn't nice to be that way.

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