Chapter 14 (Schedules)

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ChopTop Pov

I decided to See what exactly Drayton had in mind for 'er, it didn't take me lon' to find him "Ey Drayton", he looked at me with a not so pleased expression "What?", "I wanted to come and talk to you about Y/n-", he Then sounded angry as he cut me off "oh come on, Please tell me you aren't attached to her", "What-? No no, I just wanted to know how lon' she has, how much will she need to do until you have no use for 'er that is", This seemed to catch his attention and he started to think "Well in a few days I'll need to take her with me to sell some chili, alot of people would most likely try it Since there's a pretty lady selling it, that will go on for a little while until people are there for more the Chili than her and that's when she isn't needed", while he spoke I used the lighter to heat up the end of the clothing hanger and used it to pick at the dead skin around the plate and I listened,"were you even listening?" He asked soundin' Grumpy as usual, "yeah, you'll be usin' her as bait to brin' in customers!", "yes that's what I'll be doing, at least you listened for once in your Life", I grumbled "How long would you say she has time?- I'm asking to know how lon' she'll be staying cause- I want to know when to look forward to havin' my whole room to myself again", he shot me a glare and answered "maybe a few weeks.", "A few weeks? Really?", "Yes, I'm sure that's enough time to have brought customers in", I nodded and just walked off without sayin' anything, I walked back to Y/n.

Y/n Pov

ChopTop Walked over and sat back down next to me "Well, He ain't gon let you live.. yet at least, The second I said that I was there to talk About you, he sounded pissed and asked if I was attached to you as if you were Some kind of stray animal, So I couldn't just straight up ask for you to be spared- he said you have maybe a couple weeks if things go accordin' to plan or not at all, I guess it needs to go around the middle so you'd live longer..", I let out a shaky sigh "Thanks.. at least I know now..", "Cheer up, Bubba, Nubbins and I will make it the best few weeks of your life! We'll have so much fun that you'll forget all about Drayton and his stupid plans!" He smirked waiting for me to respond, I just let out a chuckle and forced a smile on "Okay.. Let's do that.. From how enthusiastic you are about whatever you have in mind I guess it could be fun", He let out a laugh "That's the spirit, Now come on we'll need to talk about it with Nubbins and bubba so they know what's goin' on!" he got up and took me by the arm and helped me up, he then started dragging me along, He then let go of my arm when He grabbed Nubbins "Alright Bro, you're comin' with us, I'll explain once we got Bubba!" He made Nubbins talk "Alright bro, let's find bubba!" He then chuckled and looked at me "Come on!" He grabbed me by the arm again and started dragging me along, soon enough we found bubba, He tilted his head at us when we found him, I waved at him "Hey Bub", he waved back, "O-okay so Now we've got everyone!" Chop top announced, He then sat on the ground and pat it inviting us to sit down with him and we did, "Now Imma explain what's goin' on now, Since Y/n Will be Alive for maybe a few more weeks we're gonna make each day Super fun for her! We're gonna Mess stuff up, Break out a little more, Definitely party, Annoy Drayton like we've never annoyed 'Im before!", Bubba let out a whine when he heard that I'd live for a few more weeks, "Come on Bubba, Don't loose hope, maybe durin' that time we can convince 'im to let 'er live! Then We can have fun for Years!", I chuckled and Then frowned sighed as I looked down "I really don't think He'd let me live no matter what, He.. He seems so heartless..", Bubba soon trapped me In a bear hug which I won't be able to get out of with ease, "oh well Yeah, It's all business to 'im, He doesn't make it personal", Chop top then made the corpse talk again "Y-Yeah b-but he's just a C-cook! He Doesn't do non but cook! H-He should l-let us decide for things f-for on-once!" He then nodded and laughes "Well said bro", Bubba then Grabbed Chop top and the corpse of Nubbins and trapped them in the bear hug As well, Chop tried to struggle out of it but soon gave up when bubba wouldn't budge, I looked at him and forced a small grin on and playfully said "Welcome to my world" and He sighed.

After a while bubba let us go and once we are let go we had the best breaths of our lives, I hadn't even noticed how much I needed the air, "Okay so.. it's settled, We'll be makin' Y/s last week's alive the best one's she's had!" Chop Top grinned and chuckled, He then started to pick at his head again so I looked Away, that really wasn't ok nice to look at, I then sighed "Let's hope these will be some great weeks..".

((Ey Here's a nice new chapter for ya, I haven't written in a while and I'm trying to get some Inspiration, which I've started to do by Rping with other slasher fans, It's going great on them and they've given me some nice ideas but they'll need to wait since I'm starting to try making this go to the direction it needs to go to get to those ideas, I'll also be making a new chapter for my other story, starting now that I'm Publishing this so let's see how fast I'll be able to write that chapter, Bonus meme:

((Ey Here's a nice new chapter for ya, I haven't written in a while and I'm trying to get some Inspiration, which I've started to do by Rping with other slasher fans, It's going great on them and they've given me some nice ideas but they'll need t...

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