chapter 17 (Bubba.)

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It had been a few hours after all that shouting happens, It calmed down here after Chop left to do something, most likely to smoke some weed and listen to music as loud as it gets, So it had been nice and quiet here for a while.. until I started hearing Shouting again, Drayton's shouting, There wasn't anyone else here he could be shouting at except bubba so I went to see what was going on, I could soon hear exactly what he was saying to bubba, Insults, awful insults, ones I've heard many times, aimed at myself or others but those insults were too familiar to me and not in any friendly way, I made my way Closer and Now I could see Them, Bubba was whining and Most definitely crying, trying to get cover from Drayton's Hits and kicks, listening to The whines and insults along with seeing the sight Infront of me Reminded me so much of my time with Dan, I felt fear and sadness go through me for a second, until I remembered he was dead, Drayton wasn't him and Bubba wasn't me..but It was so familiar, like watching Dan Hit and kick me while yelling at me in third person, I was Drayton grab a broom and start snacking bubba with it and now I just had enough, I had enough of this sight and these memories, I wasn't going to let this happen.. not to him.

I made my way over to them enraged, I grabbed the broom from Drayton's hands and stepped in between them "The hell do you think you're doing? That's your brother right there!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, Drayton was about to shout back but I had non of it and I used to broom to push him back "How would you like it if I smacked the shit out of you? Huh?! Because I won't hesitate!", "You don't scare me Girly, Step out of the way and let me-" I cut him off "No, You are to NOT hurt your family members ever! Not EVER, there are no excuses to do that!", He took a few steps Infront of him "But he-" I once again cut him off "No Excuses!", By now he was as angry as I was, maybe even more so he came as close to me as possible and Slapped me hard "Shut up You asshole and let me do things the way I want to!", As much as I was reminded of Dan in this situation, it didn't fill me with Fear or sadness anymore, it was just rage, I pushed him down and started snacking him with the broom "YOU ARE NOT ALLOW TO TOUCH ME LIKE THIS EVER. I HAD ENOUGH OF YOU AND YOUR ABUSE" all the rage in me, all that I had gathered over the years just.. I couldn't contain it anymore and I was taking it out on Drayton now, Smacking him with the broom over and over again as hard as I could, I just wished I would have done that to Dan when he was alive, I kept screaming, screaming about how much I hated him, though it was all the things I had wanted to scream at Dan and not Drayton, even though some of it was true, Drayton had hurt me and I didn't like him but I didn't hate him as much as I hated Dan.

Eventually my eyes started watering and I dropped the broom, I looked at Drayton who was shocked and looked a little scared, he was very hurt by my hits but not Broken bones kind of hurt, he'll definitely bruise, the broom was very broken from all the hits I had just blown on Drayton, then I looked back at bubba who was Much more scared.. horrified.. most likely angry that I had just hurt his brother badly.. I couldn't believe I just did that, I made the situation much worse than it had been and I most definitely just Made my death date come sooner than it was originally planned to be, damn.

"I- I-i'm so S-sorry.." I sobbed out as The tears went down my face, I couldn't stay there and look at the damage I just caused to I ran away, ran as far as I could but still staying in the Amusement park.. I hid far somewhere in the tunnels, I had found a nice Spot to hide and cry on.

I didn't know how long had passed but I could hear footsteps and now fear kicked in, I tried to hide myself as best as I could, though it didn't work because as I was keeping my face to my knees to pretend I didn't exist, The footsteps stopped Infront of me, I was preparing to be hit, kicked or even stabbed but I instead I felt a gentle pat on my back, I looked up to see Bubba.

"B-Bubba..?" I stuttered out, At first I saw fear in his eyes but he noticed my red tired eyes that were still Letting out tears, the fear disappeared, He carefully tried to give me a plate of food but I shook my head "I don't Deserve food.." I wiped some tears from my face, he kept trying to give it to me, "Bubba.. I don't deserve it after what I did.." I still declined the food, the look on his face when I kept declining Was very.. I suppose irritated but it had an emotion I didn't Recognize very well.. I think it was Compassion..? I wasn't sure, But eventually he got me to take and eat the food, Which I ate very slowly even though I was starving, most of the time I was just playing with it, It took forever for me to eat it to the end.

"I'm really sorry.. I'm sorry I scares you and I'm so sorry I hurt Drayton.. I.. I didn't mean the things I said and I didn't want to hurt him.. i.. I was just reminded of Dan.. the things he did to me.. Seeing him hit you like that Reminded me of those.." I tried to explain my actions to him and he listened carefully but I could tell he wasn't understand I very well, so I decided to try and talk the language he understands "The things Drayton does to you.. Hits, kicks and yells at you.. Dan did the same to me, so I got angry seeing him do that to you.." explaining it in a more Simple matter seemed to make him understand, "I just hope you don't hate me.. Because I really am sorry.." I was feeling like crying again, I hadn't stopped crying very well in the first place, So I was just going to cry more, He whined again and tried to Pet me to Calm me down, Which I allowed him to do, it did calm me down a bit, after I calmed down a bit we just sat there in silence, I didn't know what else to say except sorry, So the silence stayed until Bubba was called over by Drayton, He was startled by it but he couldn't not go, before he did I just stuttered out another "I'm sorry", he obviously heard it and he didn't seem afraid or angry at me..he seemed.. Grateful.. so I took that as a good sign- but Drayton would be a whole different thing, god how will Chop react to hearing about what I did? It won't end well for me.

((Eyy this was kind of an idea given to me by Misfit2018 and I am thankful for the idea because This just Gave out some nice Dark side of The reader, Though it wasn't intended to get so dark it did, Because honestly if you had been abused to much by someone and a guy just reminds you so much of your abusive ex and you don't feel anything else but rage, I know for a fact it wouldn't be a Nicely ending situation, you would get violent and badly, so that just showed that and I hope you liked it! Here's your bonus meme:

((Eyy this was kind of an idea given to me by Misfit2018 and I am thankful for the idea because This just Gave out some nice Dark side of The reader, Though it wasn't intended to get so dark it did, Because honestly if you had been abused to much ...

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Have a great day/Evening/night, Imma just go to sleep and Get all this FEEL out of me before I smack someone with a broom, night!))

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