Chapter 18 - Jealousy and what it makes out of you Pt. 1

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Two days! Two fucking days without any news or messages! Neither from Erwin or Levi. You wrote more than enough messages to fill a book with it, but no response. You even texted Mikasa, Mike, Hanji, even Armin, and Jean. At least they answered, but told you all the same. Why the hell do you feel like being in the center of a big conspiracy?! What do they all know that you don't? And what has this woman Petra to do with it? You're sitting on pins and needles! Not even your video games could distract you. And that means something. The only hope you still had was, that Erwin will call you to say that you can train today, or more, that you're "allowed" to train. But as the hours flew by since you'd woken up, there was no sign of life from Erwin. You gazed at the clock almost every twenty minutes...Only to discover, that only ten minutes passed. With your phone always close by and the packed sports bag in the hall, next to the door, you waited impatiently. By now, anything would be right for you: a small message, a phone call, a knock on the door. Anything. This is by far the first time you can't really enjoy your vacation. You feel more stressed than at work.

With your game controller tight in your hands, you forced yourself to focus on your game and not to peek at the clock again. And somehow it finally worked. For a couple of hours, you could distract yourself successfully from the cruel world outside your apartment since you found a new quest-line you haven't discovered yet. That kept you busy for a while until suddenly, your phone rang. You drop the controller from shock but that's the least you care about when your free hand immediately grab the phone. All over the display, in bright white letters, was the name "Commander Eyebrows" written. You find it funny, but you haven't told Erwin about this. This is your own little secret. So as it's your secret that you saved Levi's number under the name "Captain Shorty". This makes you smile and giggle every time they call you. But finally, you received a sign of life from them! You almost died here all alone. Without hesitation, you answer the call, eager and all ears to what Erwin is going to tell you.

"Erwin! Finally! I was worried sick! You didn't answer my past messages and calls. I was afraid that you will skip training with me today." You blurted into the phone without giving him the chance to speak first.

"A good day to you too, sweetness," Erwin replied laughingly from the other side. "I'm so sorry that we didn't answer you at all, hon. But we had a lot of stuff to talk about and to prepare. Believe me when I say, that Levi and I missed you around us. Our apartment is not the same without you, I can tell." Erwin's voice sounded regretful and you hear him sigh from the other side.

"Erwin...I know there was this stupid shit a few days back, but I would really appreciate if you tell me why are all of you are freaking out so much about this. I can't stand of being the only one left out. I had enough of this shit during my school-time, no need for you to continue with this." A harsh exhale leaves your mouth right into the speaker, a very clear signal to Erwin that you're more than unhappy and sad about the current situation. This really starts to feel like the years back in school. Erwin gasps through the phone and you could've sworn that you heard Levi breathing in the background. The harsh and demanding breathing that signalized a threat from him when you're about to do something stupid. By now you know his antics and how to read him. And it seems Erwin had put you on speakers so that Levi is able to listen too. No surprise that Levi will control Erwins answers from the background.

"Nina, I really would like to tell you. Believe me, please. But not yet. Be patient a little longer. I think Levi wants to tell you by himself. But he needs a little more time. It's difficult for him too. But to change the subject for now: Since today is our regular training-day, I called you to ask, if you would mind if we pick you up on the way to the gym." Why are you not surprised? Of course, you're happy that you can train again with Erwin, but the question to pick you up was just too obvious. They surely just want to have a close eye on you. What are you? A 5-year old child?! You rub your eyelids in frustration, a low sigh leaving your mouth again before you drop your head in surrender.

Past doesn't matter (Levi x OC x Erwin) AU/modern +18Where stories live. Discover now