Chapter 4- a Winter's Ball

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Y/n's p.o.v
I never thought that I, of all people would be here. Never in a jillion years. Maybe I had daydreamed about it, but for real?! Impossible. I looked out at the vast ballroom, admiring the structure and dresses. 1780, a winters ball. I squealed to myself and squeezed Amy's hand.
"God, historians didn't warn me that Lafayette was so hot." Amy commented, catching his Laf's eye from the side of the ballroom and waving flirtatiously. "Now, I'm going to flirt with him, you remember what I taught you." I gulped. Amy had talked to me about how to flirt, or at least keep a conversation going. Amy gracefully walked away, leaving me all alone. I quickly spotted Dia from across the room and made a beeline for her. She was standing by the drinks, tapping her nails against the glass.
"Oh hello!" She said when she saw me
"So, why aren't you dancin- oh. I see." I smiled. Hercules was twenty yards away, getting food. "Why don't you just go ask him to dance?" I said tartly.
"Are you kidding? I can't do that!" Whoops, Forgot it was 1780. "Yeah, never mind then." We chatted, observing the ballroom and admiring dresses. Dia glanced back at Hercules who was getting some cheese from the food table.
"Herca-cheese Mulligan." I whispered. She snorted into her glass, which made it funnier and also caught his attention.
"Oh no no nonono he's coming over here." Dia said in a frantic whisper.
"You got this." I whispered back, comforting her slightly. I tried to walk away gracefully like Amy did, but I ended up stumbling. I would have fallen if someone didn't swiftly catch me. I heard a small giggle from behind me and saw Dia smirking. I glared at her and she just winked. I turned back to thank whoever saved me from embarrassment and my breath was immediately taken away. My savior was a very handsome man, with soft brown eyes and a heart-melting smile. Freckles were dotted across his face like stars and his soft, curly hair framed his kind face. "Thank you," I said when I got over his handsomeness.
"No problem," he laughed kindly.
"My name is y/n l/n. It's a pleasure to meet you." I curtsied.
"My name is John Laurens, and the pleasure is all mine." He bowed and kissed my hand. Oh my god, he kissed my hand. Cross that off my time traveling bucket list! "Would you like to dance?" He asked.
"Of course." I wasn't worried about dancing, I was actually kind of excited to do it for real in the ballroom, we had practiced more dances than I could count before we traveled to 1780. However, I was slightly worried about the conversation turning to awkward silence, which, thank god, never happened. We talked for a while, laughing and flirting.
"What's your favorite animal?"
"My favorite? Turtles, definitely. You?" Yes! We were right.
"Probably birds." I said the most random animal, being afraid that I would say something that hadn't been discovered in 1780. I didn't make that bad of a choice, I guess. John and I continued to talk and dance until we went to eat. I couldn't have a lot of food because my corset was so tight, but I was starving so I had some anyway.
"Careful, don't drop any fruit again." Said a familiar voice. I looked and Alexander Hamilton, Alexander fucking Hamilton, was standing next to me. "I'm glad to see you here." He commented.
"And you as well." I curtsied
"Well, did you save me a dance?"
"Of course." I turned back to face John, " I'll find you later, okay?" He smiled and nodded, but I saw him give Alexander a haha, very funny, look. Alexander was very charming and funny- he was possibly the most flirtatious person I have ever met. One dance turned into three, and three into four. I took a break from dancing to check in with Amy who was by the drinks.
"So, how's it going?" I asked.
"It's cool. Laf's not a good dancer, so we have just been walking around the gardens, they are so beautiful! What about you?"
"Guess who I met."
"Who?" She smiled
"John Laurens." Amy gasped
"No way! That's awesome!"
"And guess what! He favorite animal is a turtle! We were right!" Amy laughed.
"I also danced with Alexander"
"What's he like?" Amy asked eagerly.
"Probably the most flirty person ever." Amy giggled and looked out at the dance floor.
"Oh no. Is that who I think it is?" Amy asked, suddenly worried.
"Who?" I scanned the dance floor
"The woman dancing with Laf."
"Oh no, it's that woman, Marie A- something" Amy turned to me.
"Why is she bad?" Amy asked with a puzzled expression.
"She's the woman that trips Laf and embarrasses him because he can't dance! Now go save your boyfriend!" Amy glared at me for that last comment, then bravely walked onto that dance floor, swiftly pulling Lafayette away from Marie. Laf stumbled but Amy steadied him and gracefully brought him back to where I was standing in disbelief.
"How did you do that? You're just so graceful and... how?!" My sputtering was thankfully ignored, and Lafayette thanked the both of us, even though I didn't have much to do with it. I felt a tap on my shoulder.
"Hey" John said, melting my heart with his smile.
"Care to go for a walk in the gardens?"
"I would love that." I responded. I saw Amy pump her eyebrows twice. I silently pinched her, then walked away with John to the gardens. Amy was right, the gardens were beautiful. They were now moonlit, and the sound of talking and bubbly laughter faded as we went further into the garden. We sat down on a marble bench and I admired the night sky.
"So,  are you enjoying the ball?" I asked John in need of a conversation topic.
"Yes, it has probably been the best night of my life." I was puzzled.
"Why do you say that?"
"Because I met you tonight."
He pulled me closer, and I could count the freckles on his face. I closed the gap between us and we kissed. It was perfect, a seamless movement. When we finally broke apart, I blushed and John led me inside. By then the ball was pretty much over. I said goodnight to Dia, gave John a quick kiss goodbye, then headed back to the house with Amy. The perfect end to a perfect night.

A/n hope u guys liked that! This chapter was fun to write and it's long too :)  Marie Antoinette was a real person btw, and she tripped baguette 🥖:(

A/n hope u guys liked that! This chapter was fun to write and it's long too :)  Marie Antoinette was a real person btw, and she tripped baguette 🥖:(

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