Chapter 15

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         Y/n's p.o.v.

The final weeks leading up to the wedding were a complete blur, we were so busy with going to Eliza's wedding, and planning our own. I was beginning to understand why Eliza was obsessed with the planning, there is so much to do. Finally, two nights before the wedding, everything was all done. The cake, seating, venue, ribbon, the vows, all of it. John and I sat at the dining table, just having finished dinner.
I felt relaxed, for the most part. The kitchen smelled nice from a lovely soup at dinner, John was next to me, quietly reading while I was resting my head on his shoulder. Suddenly I sat up, my eyes wide.
"What is it?" John asked, glancing up from his book.
"We forgot to- wait...Yeah, yeah we did, never mind." I relaxed again and nestled my head into John's shoulder as he chuckled. After a few more moments of dozing off, there was a knock at the door.
"I'll get it." I told John as he started to rise from his chair. I stood up and stretched for a moment before walking over to the door. More knocks came.
"I'm coming, I'm coming." I mumbled to myself. I opened the door and-
"There she is!" Peggy, Dia, Angelica and Eliza stood in the doorway, squealing. I felt John walk up behind me.
"What's going on?" I asked and looked up at John. To my surprise, he was smiling.
"Go on, have some fun." He encouraged me.
"What? What do you mean?" I looked back and forth between John and the girls, confused.
"It's your bachelorette party, silly!" Eliza shouted and Peggy pulled me out of the doorway. I looked back at John, who was smiling and waving. The girls linked arms with me and walked me to a carriage.
"Okay, okay, where are you taking me?" I asked, starting to accept my fate of a night of fun.
"We're about to change your life." Angelica said, smirking, glancing back from the reins of the horses.
"Oh stop being so dramatic, Angie. We are taking you to my house, where we have a boatload of champagne, games and surprises." Peggy said mischievously.
"And food!" Dia added.
"Oh yes, lots of food." Eliza chimed in.
"So," Dia asked in that same mischievous tone, "are you ready to party?"
I let a huge smile spread across my face.
"Hell yes!"

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John's p.o.v.

I closed the door after waving goodbye to y/n, chuckling to myself. I hope she doesn't end up like Lafayette did at a party once, having to be dragged home because he was so drunk.
I sat down in my chair again, and began to read. My book isn't that exciting, but I do learn a lot from it. I read about two pages when I heard a knock at the door again. I sighed. Maybe y/n needs something. I barely unlocked the door when it flew open. Hercules, Lafayette, and Alexander loudly walked into the entryway. Oh god.
"What's up, groom-to-be?" Alexander said, grabbing my arm and leading me outside.
"Not much, just trying to enjoy a quiet night." I replied, disgruntled.
"Ah, he's grumpy. Luckily I know just the thing to cheer you up."
"Sleep?" I asked,
"Of course not!" Hercule's loud voice boomed through the nearly empty streets.
"What are you, 80 years old?" It's like 9:30!"
"So what, I want to relax." I told the boys.
Lafayette rolled his eyes, "mon ami, this is, 'ow you say... your last night of freedom! This is when you relax!" The others nodded in agreement. I gave in.
"Okay okay, maybe one beer."
"I was thinking you should try to break your record of three pints of Sam Adams. You're famous for it, after all!" Herc said, with Alex agreeing.
"What? No."
"Oh mon ami, Alexander took a night off from writing for this. He didn't even do zat for his own bachelor party!"
Our favorite bar came into view.
"Okay... Let's give it a shot. All of us!" I shouted, looking  at my friends mischievously. "And I am not throwing away my shot!" Alexander shouted, then raced me to the bar.
A/n: I feel like that was cringe, but I just wanted to put "I am not throwing away my shot!" Lolzies

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Everyone awoke the next morning, hungover, but still in good spirits. No one was missing, everyone woke up in the correct place without anyone new, which was a relief. Everyone had tried, and failed, to break the record of chugging more than three pints of Sam Adams, and they had gotten incredibly drunk in the process. Y/n and John slept all day in their house, sharing stories in between naps.
"Maybe we should get up sometime. Get dressed, check that everything is in order. Maybe brush our teeth." I suggested, sitting up.
John rolled over, "I need my beauty sleep." He said drowsily.
"I need beauty sleep too! So give me back all the blankets you stole."
"You don't need beauty sleep, you're already so beautiful." John sat up and looked dreamily into my eyes before tugging all the blankets to his side of the bed.
"Hey!" I laughed, "give those back!"
I tried to tackle him but rolled off the side of the bed. John gasped,
"Are you Okay?" He got off the bed and tried helping me up.
"Yeah, I think...-"
I quickly snatched all the blankets and rolled to my side of the bed, daring him to challenge me to a blanket war. John laughed.
"A diversion, I should have known. Now can we finally share the blankets? I promise I won't steal them." John pleaded.I narrowed my eyes.
"Fine, but it's just because the author doesn't know how to end this chapter." I told him.
"I'll take it." John replied with a smile and kissed me on the cheek.

Hey! I know I always say this, but I mean it, I'm so sorry this took forever. :/ well I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! See ya next time :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2019 ⏰

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