Chapter 14

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Y/n's p.o.v.

            The soldiers that had come to visit, which was the vast majority, only had a few weeks to stay, so I was determined to spend most of my time with John. Because we were getting married, we still had to plan the wedding, send invites, arrange seating, finish details, and so much more. John and I were sitting at the dining table. We had moved in together at the house that I had shared with Amy, it was still a good house after all. The table was covered with wedding centerpiece samples, ribbon samples, sketches, advertisements for venues, and so much more. I had put myself in charge of snacks, cracking jokes, and staring dreamily at John.
"So," John looked at me, smiling, "you didn't even start to plan?"
I shrugged. "I was so busy!"
He turned to face me, a smile playing his lips, "Really? With what, exactly?"
"I'll get back to you on that." I replied, grinning. John chuckled and turned back to the venue advertisements.
"Forest venue, or harbor venue?" He asked me.
"Hm..." I lapsed into thought while trying to slide down the banister on the stairs. "I think probably- AHHH!" I let out a high-pitcher shriek as I teetered dangerously from halfway up the banister. John immediately dropped what he was doing and rushed to the stairs, and held his arms up to catch me, his eyes worried and his hair flying in front of his face.
"I'm ok, I'm ok now." I told him in a shaky voice, panting and gripping the banister tightly. John let out a sigh of relief and then smiled.
"And that's why we don't mess around on the stairs. Now you can just walk properly down here, correctly using the stair-"
"Heads up!" I called, and let myself fall the four feet down into John's arms. I looked at his surprised face, smiling mischievously. He tried to be stern, but failed epically. He set me down on the first stair, so we were eye to eye.
"What am I going to do with you, y/n l/n?" John asked through a charming smile.
"Y/n Laurens." I corrected him. His smile got bigger and he leaned forward to kiss me. After a few moments of swaying in each other's embrace, we broke apart.
"So, why didn't you start to plan, at least a little, while I was away? It seems strange, since Eliza was so obsessed with it." John asked. I thought for a moment.
"It's because... every time I tried, I kept thinking of you, of course, and I got distracted. It felt wrong doing it without you. And besides, I don't know what type of ribbon, or what type of cake you like!"
John's jaw dropped into a perfect O.
"You know what cake I like!"
I rolled my eyes, "well we can't have every type of cake at the wedding."
John paused, "well... maybe we can... mash them all together?" I wrinkled my nose and laughed. "Like a Frankenstein cake?"
John leaned closer to me, "Exactly!" He whispered and gave me a quick kiss. I giggled and allowed him to dramatically carry me, bridal style, back to my chair.
"So," John asked, "Forest or harbor venue?"
* * *
* * * *
We had cleaned up the wedding samples and advertisements (sort of). Now we were cleaning and moving things around in the house. We had finished making the bed in our bedroom, and we walked down the short hall, hand in hand. We turned left into what was going to be John's study, we just had to move a few things around. As we entered I took a sharp breath. The past had hit me unexpectedly. This had been Amy's old room. It looked exactly as it did from the moment she left, except a thin coat of dust lay undisturbed on every surface. The bed was made, an old fashioned suitcase was opened slightly where neatly packed clothes - Amy's clothes - still lay. John had been talking about something, but I hadn't registered it. My last moments with Amy were replaying in my mind, I could vividly remember the emotions, as if it happened just the other day.

What is there to explain, y/n? John Laurens is asking you to MARRY him!" She shouted. Tears flooded my eyes.
"I didn't mean for this to happen!" I cried out.
"How could this have happened unintentionally? I saw you read all those letters, check every post office and eagerly write back! You knew what you were getting into, I gave you warnings but you continued anyway!" She yelled, piercing my heart with every word.
"Everyday of that journey you were distant, uninterested, and now I know why." Amy looked at me with slight disgust and disappointment
"You didn't give a damn about those interviews, you just needed a reason to stay here and write to John!" She told me angrily. Tears were pouring out of my eyes rapidly and I couldn't stop them.

"Look at the mess you have made!" She continued. "I don't want anything to do with this." Amy shook her head and she made a decision. She started to walk away but I grabbed her wrist and she turned to face me.
"I have a life to continue, and a job I want to keep. So do you. But I am not going to throw away my future just to stay here and help you. You're gonna have to figure this out by yourself, because I'm leaving." Amy tugged her hand away from me and I collapsed onto the floor, crying.

"- y/n? Y/n- what's wrong?" John's worries face snapped me back to reality. My cheeks were wet from tears that I hadn't realized were falling. I hastily wiped my face with my sleeve and John sat me down on the bed. My hands were shaking.
"Y/n... what happened?"
I took a deep breath, "it's.. it's about Amy. This used to be her room, that's all." My voice was shaky.
"Well, there's clearly more to be said." John said gently, "what... what happened with Amy? Where did she go?" He asked. There was silence. I continued to look in my lap and take deep breaths.
"I understand if you don't want to talk about it-"
"No. I'll tell you. You deserve to know." I interrupted him, my voice getting stronger.
I would tell him the story, but leave out some details, like how we are from the future, and how Peggy thought I was leaving. I began to tell him, and it got easier and easier to talk as I continued. Essentially, what I said was that Amy and I travelled to Manhattan for some sort of article, and we were supposed to return after, at most, four weeks. I wanted to stay longer, to say goodbye, while Amy left to go back home. Of course I included more details, like how I wouldn't be able to go back to my family or friends, how I persuaded her to go interview some people in order to stay longer, and how she found his letter asking for my hand in marriage.
"... then I stayed at Peggy's house for about a week, and the soldiers came back to visit, including you." I finished and turned to face John. His mouth was slightly open and his face broke into a watery smile.
"W-what? What's wrong?" I asked, concerned.
His smile grew and a single tear trickled out of the corner of his eye. His voice was strong when he asked,
"You... you left all your family, friends, job, home and life... just to come stay and marry me?"
I was startled, "well yeah, of course- OH!" I giggled as John swept me off my feet, picking me off of the bed and hugging me close. After a minute he finally put me down, and he gave me a long, passionate kiss, holding me by my waist. We broke apart and giggled together, waking down the hall to our bedroom, hand in hand.

That night I lay in bed, next to John who had his arms around me, and was sleeping soundly. Should I have told him everything? What if he thought I was crazy? I thought, slowly turning to face him. No, the less people that know, the better. And he might have gotten uncomfortable around me, I mean, I know his and everyone's future, after all. I still could change everything if people knew we would win. Imagine if Britain won the war! And besides, I want to leave behind my past, and start a new life here, with all my friends and loved ones. I can't think of a better life without John in it.

Heyyyyyyy, what's up it's the author here and I didn't take 100000000 years to write this! Wow! This was a cute chapter UwU
See ya next timeeeee

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