Chapter 7

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Third person p.o.v

Y/n and Amy had begun their trip back, which was also extremely uneventful, except for when Amy started to sing Non-stop very loudly in their room at an inn, to hear a "BLOODY HELL, SHUT UP!" From their neighbors, and the girls had collapsed into silent laughter. Y/n and John seemed to get closer by the day, she eagerly checked every post office for John's letters, and lovingly wrote back every night. On the second day of their trip back to their home in Manhattan, y/n walked into another post office with a letter from John waiting for her. The letter had only five words on it:
I love you so much.
After y/n squealed and hugged the letter close, she wrote back;
I love you more.
And sealed the envelope with a kiss. Over the last couple days of their journey back, y/n would swoon at the thought of John, and in the war John would smile and blush when he talked about y/n, which was often. When Hercules and Lafayette teased him about it, he suddenly got an idea.

Y/n's p.o.v
(Walking home with Amy)

Amy was beyond happy about going back to present time, but I was miserable. Of course I was excited to see my sister Chloe again and my family, but I would be leaving behind all these amazing people that cared for me so much. And I dreaded our return to the present for another reason; I hadn't told anyone that I was leaving with Amy for good. I said I was considering it, but John and the others thought that there was a slim chance that I would actually move away. It would break their hearts, and mine, if they knew I had to leave forever. I had a poorly written letter explaining why I was "moving away" with Amy and why they couldn't visit or write to me. I was going to give the letter the post office later today. I had to quickly scribble the letter because if I took too long I would start to cry. Amy and I approached the house and I eagerly walked to the mailbox to see if anything was there. Yes! I smiled at the three letters, one from John, one from Peggy and one from Alexander, whom I had become good friends with.
"What are those?" Amy asked.
"Oh, these? Just some... uh, advertisements for a new store opening in the square." I responded smoothly. I practically felt her eyes narrow suspiciously at my back. I tried walking to the house in a composed manner, but I still had a spring in my step. We walked into the house and I dropped everything  to go upstairs and read John's letter. I smiled lovingly at my neatly written name, and opened the letter. I could tell how much thought had been put into it, and I was dying with curiosity. The letter began with John saying how much he loved and missed me, and how he couldn't wait to see me again. I blushed and lovingly traced his words with my finger, then abruptly stopped. The next sentence made butterflies explode in my stomach, and my heart stop.
He had asked to marry me.
I gasped loudly then clamped my hand over my mouth. I finished reading the letter with the biggest smile and tears of happiness poured out of my eyes.
I tried to suppress a squeal but I couldn't help it. I read the letter over and over again, crying, because this was possibly the happiest moment of my life. I hugged the letter close and danced all over my room, almost tripping on various things until I heard Amy call me from downstairs, and I was painfully brought back to reality. My heart sank into my feet. I was leaving forever. I couldn't marry John. What was I going to tell him?
My heart seemed to snap in two, and my smile slide of my face along with tears of sadness and pain. I forced myself to calm down and shove my feelings deep down. I'll deal with them later in a more private place. I put on a composed expression and slowly walked down the stairs.
"Can you throw away all th- oh." Amy stopped talking mid-sentence at the look on my face. She quickly walked over and hugged me tight.
"I know you are sad that we are leaving, but look on the bright side!" She tried to comfort me, but it only worsened my pain. "We'll wear pants again, we will be at work and listen to Hamilton!" I forced a smile.
"There we go." Amy gave me a warm smile. "I have to go and finish packing up, you can throw away all the food before we leave." Amy gave me one last hug, then gracefully walked up the stairs to her room. I held back tears as I tidied up.
What have I gotten myself into?

Amy's p.o.v
(Walking home with y/n)

Finally! We are back in the house at Manhattan, ready to go to our correct time period. I hummed and smiled gleefully at everything while we walked to the house. Y/n wasn't so cheerful, but I was beyond happy. We are going to wear pants again! We can listen to the Hamilton soundtrack and quote it as much as we please! No more 1700s etiquette! I was practically dancing. Y/n quickly walked over to the mailbox before me and eagerly grabbed a couple letters.
"What are those?" I asked, not really caring about the answer because I was too excited about going home.
"Oh, these? Just some... uh, advertisements for a new store opening in the square." Y/n responded dismissively. I didn't completely believe her, but didn't say anything. We walked into the house and y/n quickly went up to her room, leaving me annoyed and picking up after her. I rolled my eyes and began to put everything she had dropped on the floor onto the table. I organized the papers with the interviews we took and tucked them into a folder neatly, humming to myself. Moments later, I hear a loud gasp and squeal upstairs from y/n. Was it from the letters she grabbed so eagerly? I listened hard and heard noises that I couldn't quite distinguish. After a few minutes of silence, I decided to call her downstairs.
"Hey y/n, come down here." I heard her footsteps on the stairs and began to explain her task. "Can you throw away all th- oh no." I stopped mid-sentence and walked over to y/n. She looked calm, but her eyes were puffy and miserable. I hugged her tight and began to comfort her.
"I know you are sad that we are leaving, but look on the bright side! We'll wear pants again, we will be at work, and listen to Hamilton!" Y/n smiled, and I hugged her again.
"There we go. I have to go and finish packing up, you can throw away all the food before we leave." I told her and I walked up the stairs, deep in thought. What caused the gasp and squealing?The letters? Just normal feelings about leaving? I can't not investigate. Instead of going to my room to finish packing, I swerved into y/n's room. What was with those letters she grabbed so eagerly?I scanned the messy room, and I saw a piece of paper labeled "y/n" in neat handwriting. I snatched it up and began to read.

A/n: Hoped you liked that! Some dramaaaa is coming soon. (Sorta) this was really fun to write

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