Chapter 12

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John's p.o.v

"Oh dear god John, shut up!"  Alex, Laf and Herc shouted in unison. We were all in a tent, Herc was sitting on a bottom bunk facing Laf, while Alexander was scribbling a letter at the cramped desk. I was restlessly fidgeting on one of the top bunks.
"Sorry!" I said, biting my lip. "I'm just anxious. Why hasn't y/n responded to my letter yet? Is she in trouble? She always answers quickly..." I lapsed into thought.
"Mon ami, she probably just needs time. You'll see her in a few days anyway, so you'll get your answer then." Lafayette said. I rolled my eyes,
"As if I need to be reminded. Alex practically sings an inaccurate countdown every hour." Alex looked up from his writing and yelled over his shoulder,
"Do not!!"
"Oh really? How about 'Four days and seventeen hours until I see Eliza again!" I mimicked him in a singsong voice while Laf and Herc erupted into laughter.
"It's very accurate!" Alexander argued. I rolled my eyes.
"It's estimated time. We could take a day more or a day less." I reminded him for the umpteenth time.
"Okay, fine. But we're all excited to go back home." Alex said, getting up from the cramped desk and stretching. "Herc, don't you have that girl back home? What's-her-face, sewing-shop girl?" Hercules rolled his eyes.
"It's Dia. Not 'what's-her-face sewing-shop girl."

(Just a reminder, Dia doesn't exist in history :p )

"Ok, whatever. Dia. How are you guys doing?" Alex asked, wiggling his eyebrows and smirking playfully. Herc rolled his eyes.
"We are great, but taking it a bit slower. 'Slower' as in not proposing after just three weeks. Seriously, what's up with that?" Hercules asked, looking from me to Alex. Alex and I shared a look that said 'they don't get it'
"Well...y/n and I had just an instant connection, and she's so smart, funny, and beautiful, I just can't help loving her! It'd be crazy to not propose." I responded. Lafayette fake puked.
"Mon ami, zat was beautiful, but I cannot take any more of it." Laf said, gesturing to me. "It's making me sick!" He finished dramatically, clutching his stomach. I rolled my eyes.
"Fine, I'll tone it down." Herc and Lafayette shared a look.
"What?!" I shouted, laughing.
"Yeah, sure you'll tone it down. In five minutes you'll be blabbering about y/n again."
I blushed. "Whatever!"

Y/n's p.o.v

I know I've said this enough times, but I literally cannot wait to see John again. Every day consists of me restlessly waiting, fidgeting and killing time. At least I wasn't alone, Eliza, Dia, and basically everyone I know are awaiting the return of soldiers. Peggy had enough of my lovesick chatter, so she usually makes me go out to the square to get food, even though we don't need any, she just doesn't want to hear me blabber. I usually visit Dia. She was absolutely delighted when I walked into the sewing shop she worked at for the first time after I arrived home. We hadn't written to each other as much, so we had a lot to catch up on. We chatted, she told me about a horribly obnoxious customer she had a few weeks ago, I told her about John, and we gossiped. I didn't tell her about why Amy really left, and my whole time-traveling mess. The less people that know, the better. That's not important now anyway. When she asked about Amy a small lump came up in my throat. I just told her she moved away and Manhattan wasn't for her.
Eventually I knew I couldn't aimlessly wander through shops and gossip with Dia all day, I had to get a job. The house I live in is fully purchased and I don't have to pay any bills, thanks to my boss from present time. I just need money for food, new dresses and essentials. I applied for a job at the newspaper, having a lot of experience in journalism. Today is the day of the interview. I'm wearing my newest dress with a matching bag. I'm nervous, but I know I have this job. I am - well, was - one of the best young journalists at my old job after all, but I'm still fidgeting anxiously while waiting for Peggy. I'm standing in her tastefully decorated entryway when I hear her footsteps.
"Ready?" Peggy says and looks at me. "Aw, nervous?" I nod. "You've got this. If they don't hire you, I'm gonna march right up to them and-"
"-Okay let's go!" I swiftly interrupted her and opened the door. The crisp autumn air swept my neatly placed hair aside, and I hugged my cardigan tighter.

* * * * * *

I picked up my bag, hardly containing my smile.
" you'll be hearing from us soon, Miss y/n." My interviewer smiled at me as I left the room. I stepped out of the building and squealed to myself. The interview had gone extremely well! I still had time to kill, so I decided to go to Dia's shop to tell her the good news.
     I skipped the last few steps to the door and twirled in the shop. Dia was the only person there, so I twirled across the room her her, almost crashing into the desk where she was working. She sighed and smiled.
"Did something happen?" Dia asked.
"Yes, I just came from the job interview, and it went perfectly!" I beamed and Dia got up to hug me. We squealed together.
"That's great! I'm so happy for you!" She cracked her watch. "Wanna walk with me?"
"Where?" I asked.
"Well, it's getting close to the day that the soldiers come back, so I just like to walk by the area that they'll be arriving at" She replied.
"Wow, obsessed much?" I said mockingly and Dia glared at me, but couldn't help smiling.
"It's just the date that they arrive isn't exact, and I don't want to miss them." She explained.
"I get it. Let's go!" I smiled and hopped out the shop.
        "Ugh my dress got snagged on a twig again- wait, are there usually this many people?" I asked. We were approaching the area that Dia said the soldiers would be arriving at any day now.
"Give or take." She responded, "let's sit here for a little." Dia pointed to a nearby bench.
"So, have you and John set a wedding date yet?" She asked me, smiling. I bit my lip. Actually, I don't know if he even got my letter saying yes."
"Oh, they put some letters on hold because they might not get to the camp in time." She told me. My face fell.
     Dia and I talked for a few more minutes until we decided to get up and leave. I was carefully directing my heels around a set of tree roots when Dia gasped loudly. I looked up and from about 100 yards away, I saw the outline of a group of soldiers. My heart leapt and my eyes searched for John as the group grew closer. Finally, when they were probably just 50 yards away, I found him. Our eyes locked and the world around me faded away.

Oof sorry I haven't published in a long time, I've been busy. Happiness is coming sooooon :)  (and drama later)
I'm gonna try to publish more :/

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