Dreams → Arreaga PT1

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I watched as my dad slumped against the couch, he was drunk again. This was a routine for him, he only woke up to get wasted again and sit on the couch mindlessly crying over her.

Her being my mother.


Since the divorce was final, he's never been the same. He's been a mindless zombie roaming around this world.

I sighed as I picked up the bottles of liquor surrounding my passed out fathers body. As I went to walk the one out of his hand he woke up, looking at me like he'd seen a ghost.

"Char?" He whispered caressing my cheek
"No dad it's me" I said removing it and walking to the kitchen

I dumped the bottles in the trash before turning back, I hit a hard chest making me stumble back.

"God dad, move" I said pushing him out of the way
"You fucking whore" he yelled at me. I stumbled back being taken aback my his words
"My mother may be a dead beat, she may be a horrible mother, she may be everything else but a whore is what she's not" I snapped back

My father inched towards me grabbing me by the neck and slamming me into the wall. He had a dangerous look in his eye. Like he was determined to kill me.

I looked a lot like my mother, when we were together we were mistaken for sisters. My father would always call me by her name when he was drunk.

"D-dad" I chocked out as he tightened his grip
"I loved you so much, and you went and cheated on me wit-with fucking Nick" he yelled

I looked him in the eye, my vision blurring
"D-ad s-stop" I said

Just then something clicked in him, he released me and I dropped to the floor, trying to catch my breath

"Y/N- I'm so sorry baby" he sobbed cradling me
"It's okay dad" I sobbed

We sat like that for a second before I pulled away looking him dead in the eye
"You need help dad- please" I said
"B-But I can't leave you  here" He chocked out
"Dad I'm 16. I can take care of myself- and Uncle Zion can come stay with me" I shrugged

My father simply nodded before making his way upstairs to pack

Okay I admit this was crappy. My mind is some place else my bad

🐾requests are open


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