Requested → Arreaga

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Okay I'm bad at requests, but this was requested 5 months ago💀 I'm sooo sorry smileyfacehp but I hope you enjoy it!
The night had started off badly for Sara, with the news of her boyfriend cheating and him now chasing after her, she didn't think it would take a turn for the best.

Shoes padding against the pavement in a rapid pace Sara ran, the muscles in her legs screaming for her to stop but her intuition telling her if she stopped she'd die. She stopped in front of the annual town carnival, slipping in she made her way to the porta potty's. Taking a seat on the mall toilet she began to catch her breath, pulling her phone out to check how she looked she noticed the millions of missed calls from her ex. Sighing she turned the device off in hopes to at least get a break from him. She took a deep breath and swung the door open hitting someone in the process.

With wife eyes Sara jumped to check who she had assaulted with the door. She was surprised to see a handsome boy laying on the floor clutching his face. His hair messy as he wore very casual clothes and an array of chains around his neck. His eyes met hers as he groaned.

"I am soooo sorry" Sara apologized
"It's my fault, should've looked ahead" he said sending her a smile making her notice how red his face had now gon
"Let me make it up to you?" Sara suggested after a moment
"No, it's fine honestly. Water under the bridge" he shrugged
"I wasn't asking..."
"Brandon" he said not skipping a beat
"Brandon, I'm not asking" Sara smiled softly
"Well then okay Ms Bossy pants" Brandon said laughing at the small girl

The rest of the night was History, after buying an ice cone to put on his nose, Sara and Brandon had decided to stay at the carnival for the rest of the night making it their mission to play all the games until there were no more and ride all the rides until at least one of them had puked their funnel cake out. The two had been enjoying each other's company so much they hadn't noticed the time until the light of the morning dawn was upon them. Brandon had suggested they go on the slowest ride there was.

As the comfortable silence settled between the two Sara couldn't help but smile at how the night went. She had completely forgotten about the heartbreak she had experienced not even 8hours ago. She looked up at Brandon who funny enough already had his eyes trained on the girl. She simply look back down, hiding her blush with the giant bear Brandon had swiftly won for her

"You know I came here to clear my mind and you did it for me, made all my pain disappear with that small giggle of yours" Brandon said mindlessly looking at Sara
"Trust me your problems are probably smaller then mine" Sara scoffed playfully
"Oh yeah? Well I came home to find my girlfriend, almost fiancé with another dude on my couch" Brandon said
"Wow, and I thought my cheating ex was the worst, sorry dude" Sara said

Brandon simply shrugged, looking ahead at the coming up sun as he smiled

"It's fine, I think I found the medicine for my pain"
smileyfacehp sorry it's horrible but I wrote it on my way to school💀 if you want I'll mKe a second part:)

🐾drop some ideas


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