Requested → Kuwonu

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This is written from Chrissy POV because the last request failed, I think it's because of the POV it was written in
"Thank you, have a great day" I smiled at the clerk before grabbing the bag of snacks and making my way over to the PRETTYMUCH house.

I'd convinced my parents that I was going to my best friends house who was glad enough to vouch for me if anything came up so I was sorted. I slowly made my way up to the door and didn't bother knocking, I walked in and greeted Edwin who was on his phone next to one of the girls they regularly hung around

"Hey Ed" I smiled
"Hey Chris" he said standing to give me a hug, which I gladly returned
"You here to see Z?" He asked
"Yeah, is he up in his room?" I asked
"Yeah, he went to show Alexandria his hoodie he needed pained or something" Edwin recalled
"Oh, she an artist or something" I asked
"Dunno man, I was hardly listening" Edwin shrugged

I nodded, Thanking Edwin and making my way slowly to my boyfriend's room. I heard some noises in side, and bit my lip being even more hush. I slowly opened the door ready to pop up and surprise him but instead I was met with the sight of some dark haired girl on top of a very much shirtless Zion as they engaged in a very heated game of tonsil tennis

No words came out of my mouth, my throat felt dry and my mouth fell open. I dropped the bag of snacks gaining the two's attention. Zion's eyes widened as he pushed the girl off him.

"Chrissy" he started reaching out for me
"Don't touch me with your pussy fingers" I snarled
"Baby I swear-
"I came here to surprise you" I said "guess you surprised me"

With that I left, not bothering to answer back to Zion as he called after me

That, was 6 months ago, since then I fell ill, I went to the doctor and found out I was pregnant, it was Zion's and I knew it because he was the only guy I got down with. I swore on my mother I wouldn't tell him, he wouldn't get to be a part of my baby's life after he did me wrong.

I was currently standing in front of the Prettymuch house, not here to see Zion but much rather to see my best friend Austin. I knocked waiting for him to come open

"Chrissy, wow you look like you swallowed a watermelon" Austin joked
"Thanks, that doesn't make me feel fat in anyway" I said sarcastically
"I mean I have respect for you man- 16 and pregnant, that's amazing" Austin said helping me in
"I should be in school but the fact that I can't stand for long periods of time and I pee every 10 minutes makes it impossible for me to attend like a normal kid" I sighed
"Hey, don't worry, the little guy's going to be out in a few months then life goes on like normal" Austin encouraged

Before the conversation could continue there was a rattle that came from the kitchen, making both Austin and I furrow our eyebrows in confusion.

"Is there anyone else here?" I asked
"No" Austin said "stay here, I'll go check it out"
"Aust- what the hell are you doing here?" I spat

In the doorway stood Zion, his eyes wide as they were trained on my baby bump

"I swear I didn't know he was here" Austin said
"Is-is that mine?" Zion asked
"Not that I have to answer to you but yes" I said standing up "guess we'll have to meet sometime else Austin"
"Wait, I wanna be in my child's life" Zion said abruptly causing me to burst into a fit of laughter "this isn't a joke Chrissy-
"See our relationship wasn't a joke either Zion, yet you treat it like one, and tread all over me. I gave you my virginity knowing you loved me but turns out I was just a piece of ass for you" I said, my eyes beginning to sting at the mere thought of the events that had happened
"Chrissy I'm sorry-
"Save it Zion, you wanna treat me like a joke,I'll leave you like it's funny"


Sorry chrissybor my mind is everywhere and not here.

🌝requests are open


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