Rainy day → Porter

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I feel like I haven't had a cute imagine in a while
The sound of water against your window woke you up, you slowly opened your eyes and looked around slowly registering your surroundings as you turned in your bed. You faced Austin, who was peacefully sleeping next to you, hair a mess as his bare chest rose and fell with every breath he took. You slowly removed his arm from your torso as you make your way to the bathroom to brush your teeth

Once you finished you made your way back to the bedroom to find Austin sitting against up on the bed, on his phone.

"Hey there gorgeous" you smiled sitting down next to him
"What's cooking good looking" He said setting his phone down
"Rain check on the hike?" You asked tracking his tattoo
"Unless you can hike in the rain" Austin smiled
"Not a chance" you giggled "how about you get washed and meet me downstairs to try and make breakfast" you winked

Making your way downstairs you grabbed an apron and googled Belgium waffles with Austin's phone and set yours up for a live.

"What's up guys" you smiled as your views increased
"Where's Austin? He's currently in the shower" you said reading off your phone
"Yes, I am at Austin's place" you answered again

Before you could move onto the next question, Austin came up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his head on your shoulder

"Aus, put a shirt on" you said slapping his bare chest
"It's hot in here though" he whined
"Austin it's rainin" you deadpanned
"Then it's probably you" he smiled making your playful roll your eyes

You threw him an apron as you turned around to the live stream. You and Austin continued to answer question all the while goofing off and making the waffles. Just as you were about to turn around to face Austin again you felt a force on the top of your head followed by a cold substance oozing down your head

"Austin Date Porter you did not just crack an egg on my head" you said dangerously slow
"I may have" Austin said sheepishly
"Do you know how long it's going to take to wash my hair!" You complained
"Well" Austin took the small bag of flour and smacked you with it "guess the time just extended"
"AUSTIN!" You yelled on the verge of tears
"Aww baby" Austin said pulling you into his embrace

You sneakily grabbed the waffle batter and poured it over him, not caring some was getting on you

"Oh c'mon babe! The waffle batter did nothing to you!" Austin complained
"The eggs and flour did nothing to you yet their in my hair and bra!" You countered

Austin went to protest but you raised a finger, instantly silencing him

"I'm going to shower, there will be no joining me, no cuddles, I want this kitchen spotless, and yourself cleaned up!" You demanded
"How am I supposed to get cleaned if you're using the bathroom" Austin asked
"Guest bathroom" you shrugged
"But babe- that faucet is acting up" Austin whined
"Should have thought of that before attempting to make a cake on me!" You smiled taking your phone
"But babe!"
"Bye Austin"

I had a dream I was the same author I was in the first book and I updated nearly everyday..... NEVER HAPPENING😹

🌝drop some ideas


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