🧸Seam 🧸 ⚠️Lemon!⚠️Pt. 2

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\\-Uh, here ya go! I'll make a fluff version of this too..Maybe. Cause yeah. uwu-//

You woke up the next day. You looked around and Seam wasn't there. You really didn't want to get up, but you did. Seam was somewhere in his little shop making you and him some breakfast. You stood up and followed the smell of food. He was making pancakes. "Those smell good!" You exclaimed happily. He slowly turned around and smiled at you.

 "Good morning Lightner, and thank you." He softly spoke. You carefully wrapped your arms around his waist and hugged him.

"You're the best thing that has ever happened to me.." You whispered into his ear. He smiled and picked you up. He carried you into his room and laid you on his bed. "Wha..?"

He pinned you down and waited for a reply. You nodded. He started to slowly, but roughly suck on your neck. You bit your lip and tried to hold back your moans. "C'mon lighter..don't hold back those beautiful sounds you can make..~" He purred in your ear. He sucked harder. You stopped biting your lip and moaned. He started to move his tongue around, trying to find your sweet spot. He found it and softly bit down.

"A-Ahh..~!" You moaned and started to softly pant. He quickly moved his hands inside of your pants and rubbed your clit. He took off whatever you and he had on and threw it somewhere to the left

"Damn, you're soaking wet..~"  He yet again softly spoke, but in a more lusty way.

"D-Don't t-tease me..~" You managed to speak in between moans.

"Alrighty then Lightner, I want you to beg for it~" You stayed still for a moment, thinking about something you could do to please him. You got onto your knees. He looked down at you and you looked back up at him. You carefully placed your mouth onto his member and began sucking. He grabbed onto the back of your head and ran his hands through your soft hair as he pushed himself deeper down your throat. You gagged a little, but you didn't stop. You started to suck faster as you made your throat tighter. He let a small moan release from his mouth. You wrapped your arms around his waist and pulled him closer to you. You started to deepthroat him, swallowing at some points so you didn't gag or choke. You tightened your mouth around him. His head shot back as he started panting. You used some more of your tongue to protect him from your teeth. 

"L-Lightner..I-I'm goi-" He got cut off as he came into your mouth. You swallowed it.

"Mmm..~ You taste good, you should try some~" You whipped some of the cum that was dripping from your mouth with your fingers. You carefully opened his mouth and placed your fingers into it. He wrapped his tongue around your fingers, licking everything off. You felt around his mouth for a while, causing him to release some small moans from him here and there. You eventually pulled out your hand and licked his saliva off.

"Even that tasted good~" You whispered into his ear, softly licking it and nibbling. You removed some of the cat fur that had gotten into your mouth.

"Hah.. I never thought things would get this interesting..~" He purred. He pinned you down again. "Are you ready?" He asked with a bit of concern in his voice. You nodded. He slowly started to thrust himself into you. Once he was in he looked down at your face.

"F-Fuck.." You groaned under your breath. He saw small tears forming in the corner of your E/C eyes.

"We can stop if you want.." He spoke quietly, but caringly.

"N-No..just give me a moment." He licked up the tears that were falling from your eyes.

"So Lightner.. I guess I'm your first, huh?" You nodded.

"Mhm." He waited for you to adjust to him. You gave him another small nod and smiled. He started to slowly thrust in and out. Soon enough the pain became pleasure.

"A-Ahh..~!" A moan came from you. Once he saw you were okay he started to pick up his speed. He grabbed onto your shoulders and slammed into you. You arched your back and moaned loudly. He kept slamming into you like a fucking train, he eventually found your g-spot. So, he aimed for it with each thrust.  "R-RIGHT THERE..~!!!" You screamed in pleasure. He just kept hitting it. "F-FUCK~!!!" You yelled again. Seam had also started moaning along with you. He leaned over and licked your neck while still thrusting. You started to pant heavily, your tongue now sicking out. He took up this opportunity and snuck his tongue into your mouth. Whenever his somewhat small tongue touched you it sent a good shiver down your spine. You loved the way his tongue felt like wet sandpaper. He explored each and every inch of your mouth since you granted the dominance he wanted. He wrapped his tongue around yours, still thrusting himself into you. He removed his mouth from yours and wrapped his arms around your neck. You did the same. He sped up his pace, still hitting like a truck. "S-Seam..I-I think I'm gonn-" You tried to finish your sentence as you came.

"Oh..~" He purred in a low voice. He took his fingers and got some onto them. He licked it all off. "Mmm, such a good taste~" He spoke. He then thrusted into you harder and faster.

"F-Fuck~!" You moaned out loudly. He slowed his pace a bit and grunted.

"L-Lightner.. I-" He came inside you.

"H-Huh..~?" You looked down at him.

"I-I'm sorry l-lightner, I couldn't stop m-" He was cut off by you pushing him out of you. You wrapped your arms around him and carefully placed your head onto his shoulder.

"It's alright.. I wouldn't want anyone else but you." You whispered in his ear. You softly pet behind his ear. He purred.

"Thank you..my lightner."

\\-Here ya go! Sorry if any of my grammar is bad, it's like..2:30 in the morning and I can't go to sleep until like..8 this morning. So I'm hella fucking tired..hhhh.-//


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