🐛Rouxls Kaard🐛 ⚠️Lemon!⚠️

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//-Hello! Sorry, this took a while as everything else has. Something else came up and my father is back in the ICU. I think he's going to be okay but no one really knows yet. This was requested by @_TrashCanQueen_ and I hope you enjoy! Also, just a heads up I probably suck ass at doing the way Rouxls talks, I'm literally going back and forth between some of my roleplays so I don't fuck it up too badly lmao. Gotta love the worm daddy -\\

You had known Rouxls for a little while now. Since you decided to stay in the Dark World because you didn't have the best life back in your world, you sometimes came down to his shop to help out a bit. You even helped out with Lancer. You had developed feelings for the shop owner after some time. You walked into his shop. "I'm here!" You smiled. He came out of his room and out into the shop.

"It's nice to seeth thou." He smiled back at you. 

"You too. So, what do you need?" You asked kindly.

 "Thine just wanteth to seeth thou again." He blushed a very light shade of blue.

 "Oh, alright." He reached his hand over the counter and placed it on your cheek. He kissed you.

"Wha..-" You had a confused look on your face. You didn't know he felt the same way back. "R-Rouxls-" He looked away from you.

"Y/n T-" You cut him off.

"I have feelings for you too." You smiled and kissed him back. You hopped over the counter and continued to kiss him, using some tongue. He ran his hands through your hair and you wrapped your arms around his neck. This continued for some time until you pulled back for air. 

 "H-Hah.." You both panted. He picked you up and brought you into his room. He pinned you down on the bed. You gave him a small nod. He started sucking on your neck. You let out a soft moan. He sucked harder, leaving a hickey. He took off his coat and pants, leaving him in only boxers. You removed your shirt and pants. You unhooked your bra and threw it somewhere to the left. Rouxls looked at you and smirked. You got on top of him and pulled down his boxers. You started to slowly suck on the tip. He took his hands and placed them on the back of your head. He pushed himself deeper into your mouth. You slightly gagged but kept going. This went on for some time. You started to pick up the speed. 

"A-Ahh, moreth worm~!" He moaned out. You listened and gave him more. You hummed a bit, making a vibration. He ran his hands through your hair and moaned again. You could tell he was getting close. You gave him all you had. Without warning, he came. You swallowed as much as you could, some was dripping from your mouth. 

"Rouxls.. you have to give me a warning first~" You giggled. 

"Thine is sorryeth.. But now it's thoust turn for some funeth~" He gets up and pins you down. You looked up at him, blushing. He started to remove your panties.

"W-Wait.. be gentle-" You looked away. He kisses you. 

"Thine willeth be.." He slowly thrusted into you. You bit your lip and looked up at him. He waited until you were alright. You gave him a slight nod. He began to go faster. You let out a moan.

"R-Rouxls..! A-Ahh, more~!" He listened to you and went faster. You both moaned. 

"God damn, thou is so tighteth..!" He thrusted into harder. You looked at him again. 

"I-I'm getting close..-" He looked back at you.

"Doeth it." He went as fast and as hard as he could. 

"R-ROUXLS~!!" You yelled out his name as you came. It took him a bit, but eventually, his thrusts became sloppy. He pulled out and came on you. 

"You made a mess-" You giggled again. He softly smiles. 

"Thine shall cleaneth this upeth." He got up and grabbed a towel. He cleaned you off.

"Thanks." You got up and put your clothes back on. He did the same. 

"You can stay if you want-" He looked at you. You noded. 

"I-I'd love to stay." You hugged him. He hugged back. The rest of the day consisted of just talking, hanging out and some other random shit. 

//-Don't forget we have a discord too! https://discord.gg/6PDb6wH or you could just friend me :o my tag is: Hi, welcome to Chili's#1377 Also, if anyone is down to roleplay hmu UwU-\\

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