♠️ King Spade ♠️ ⚠️Lemon!⚠️

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//-Hello! This was requested by @Melindaether So yee. Here you go!-\\

You were towards the end of your adventure. You were alone and scared. The king knew that you were in the Dark World. He was waiting for you in his throne room. You stayed in the shadows, trying to stay hidden. You approached the throne room.

  "I see you finally made it.." He spoke. You looked up at his large figure.

 "I'm ready to accept any punishment you may give to me. I shouldn't even be here and I know how you feel about my kind." You said in a kind, but soft voice.

 "So you're giving up just like that?" He asked confused.

"Well, I don't want to fight if I don't have to.." You really didn't want to hurt or kill the king. You knew Lancer wouldn't like it if his father got hurt. you paused for a moment then spoke again, "I'm willing to do whatever you please." You looked down at your feet. He walked closer to you and gently placed his hand onto your chin. He lifted your head up.

 "I see you mean no harm to me or my people. And you're better than the other three that were here before you. I would like to make an offer.." You gave him a half smile.

"It depends on what it is Mr. King." He seemed to enjoy the new name you have given him.

"If you would like you could stay with me, or I could let you go home.."
He had no idea why he was being so soft on you, he just was. You thought about it for a second.

"I w-would like to stay with you." You grabbed his large hand and hugged him.

"I was hoping you would. I'm really alone here..and it's hard for me to raise Lancer. I can be really harsh sometimes."
You tried to comfort him, "It's alright..I'm here. I'll help take care of everything. Is there anything I can do to help now?" He thought about it for a second.

 "Maybe there is.." He picked you up and brought you into a large bedroom. He sat you down on the bed. He pinned you down and waited for a response. You gave a nod of consent. You don't even know why, but you did. You felt his large warm tongue slide across your neck. He started to suck. You tried to hold back, but you couldn't. A moan was released from your mouth. He softly bit down on your skin. You released another moan in both pain and pleasure. "There we go..~" He removed both yours and his clothes and started to suck down your body.  He slowly made his way down. He looked up at you with his tongue out. You gave a small nod. He put his large tongue inside of you. You loved it. A loud moan was released from your mouth. He started to pump his tongue in and out of you. You arched your back and started painting.

"H-Hah..~!" He felt around, exploring every last inch.

"Mmm, you like that..~?"
He pumped his tongue deeper.

"Y-Yes..~!" You moaned out. You felt a knot forming in your stomach. He pulled out before you could cum. "Aww..daddy, n-no fair~!" You complained.

"Not yet sweetheart~"
He spoke in a low, lusty voice.

"Please..~?" You begged.

"Beg more, then we'll see~"
He took his hot tongue and lick all the way up your body.

"D-Daddy.." You paused for a moment. "I-I want you inside me..fill me up with your hot sticky seed~!" You continued to beg.

"Alrighty then..~"
He slowly pushed himself into you. He looked down at you to see if you were alright. You were, so he started to slowly pump in and out. You moaned. He started to go faster and harder. You arched your back and moaned loudly again.

"O-Oh god..A-Ahh~!!" He found your g-spot and hit it several times.

"You like that..~?"
He asked you seductively.

"Y-YES~!!" You yelled out in pleasure.

"Damn, I guess so~"
He teased. He took his spade chain thing and played with your breasts with it. You kept moaning louder and louder with each thing he did. Some guards were able to hear.

"Jesus Christ..the king's at it again." One of them said. "Hopefully this child isn't a brat like Lancer.." The other one spoke quietly. The king pounded into you harder. You started panting.

"H-Hah..~! F-Fuck, daddy~!!" You yelled between moans.

"Shh, keep your voice down sweetheart, someone might hear~"
He spoke into your ear. He gently licked it. Little did he know, the guards already heard your moans. They didn't really care though.

"S-Sorry.." You didn't know how loud you were being.

"Shh, don't be sorry~"
He said. He continued to pick up his pace, now going at an inhuman speed. He hit hard like a fucking truck. "S-So tight~" You felt the knot forming again.

"I-I'm goi-" You came. The king gave a few more good thrusts until he ended up cumming. He didn't pull out, but no one noticed. You kept softly panting, trying to get your breath back to normal. He laid down and you joined him. You placed your head onto his shoulder and you both fell asleep.

//-Here you go! hope you enjoyed. Hhhh, g'night. I'm tired.\\

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