Do I continue this?

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Howdy! It's Jae again. I lost motivation to write so I just kinda stopped, I was struggling with depression and anxiety, but since I'm home and out of school I just kinda vibe. Now that I have all this free time, should I continue? Would anyone even read this anymore? If I finish up requests should I open them back up again? Is Deltarune even relevant anymore? I just don't wanna continue something if people aren't going to enjoy it. Plus it takes me a while to push out updates because of my dyslexia. But the more I write the better I get I guess. So what do you think, should I continue this or not? 

Also on a bit of a side note, I do run a Beastars RP server which does take out a lot of my time. If anyone is interested lemme know and I'll post a link for it in the comments :)

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