Confused about Gallagher

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It was Monday and I was walking to school like normal.

Thinking, my mom and boyfriend haven't been seen since Friday.

I even asked the neighbors, they haven't seen them either.

I was starting to get worried for my mom, screw her boyfriend.

I stopped at the Gallagher house for breakfast.

When I walked in Carl, Nick, Debbie, and Liam were sitting at the table.

No one was talking it was a weird silence.

"Hey guys!" I walked over and put bread in the toaster and poured myself a cup of Coffee.

I put milk and sugar in it and sat across from Carl.

Fiona walked in, "Good morning guys, and hi Fayre."

"Good morning Fiona." I smiled when my toast popped.

"Who's toast is this? And at least someone is nice enough to reply." Fiona said.

"Mine, thanks."

Fiona Handed me my toast and grabbed the coffee pot and walked over to Debbie pouring more into her cup.

"So, uh, hey, Debbie?" Fiona said.


"I just called the clinic."


"I made an appointment for you for Friday for an abortion. They want us there this afternoon for your prescribing. I'll pick you up after school."

"That's not my plan." Debbie scoffed,

Dumbass bitch, who wants a baby at fucking 15.

I rolled my eyes and ate my toast in silence.

Debbie sent me a glare.

"But now that Derek's gone, it's—."

"He's coming back. His parents are assholes."

I laughed and covered it up with a cough.

Carl smiled a bit.

"Did you talk to him?" Fiona asked trying to reason with the dumb girl.

"We love each other."

I snorted and looked away.

I was being a major asshole.

"Debs, come on. You're 15."

Me and Nick shared and annoyed glance.

"Yeah? Please, you're always bragging about how you had to raise us when you were 16."

"Who the fuck wants to raise kids at fucking 16. Live life a fucking little." I said rolling my eyes.

"Who even are you?" Debbie glared.

"Bragging? It was forced on me. I didn't have a choice. You have a choice."

Carl started watching them bicker.

"Yeah, and I choose to have a baby."

"You have your whole life ahead of you." Fiona argued.

"And I don't have my whole life ahead of me if I have a baby?" Debbie tolled her eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2019 ⏰

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