Chapter Eight: The Drop of Death

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"What are we doing here exactly?" Michael groaned as he trudged across the sand. His black skinny jeans were stained with the light brown grains. The sun beamed down upon us heavily as we walked down the shoreline. "You made us sit through a car ride for two hours for a beach?"

"Yes, I did. Do you have a problem with that?" I asked, biting my lip to hide my smile, finding his crankiness a little amusing. "Besides, it was fun taking a mini road trip with me. Admit it."

"I don't want to lie. It's a sin." He smiled playfully at me, earning a harmless shove. His striking blue eyes wandered around the area. "But why are we here? I went to your office two days ago, so I don't know why we had to meet up again this week."

"I told you I was going to do things differently with you, which means meeting outside of the clinic." My hand rose to swipe a stray piece of hair off my forehead. The wind blew past us gently, brushing against our skin, soft as a feather. "You didn't tell me three things you were thankful for the other day. I'm still waiting for an answer."

"Well, you're going to have to keep waiting. I'm not thankful for anything." Micheal grumbled as he used the collar of his black shirt to wipe some sweat off his face. "It's too hot for this."

"Three things, Michael. Come on, you promised you'll try." I pleaded. Silence encased us as Michael and I stared at each other, waiting for who would give in first.

We can keep standing here under the sun until you give me answer. It's your choice, Michael. I'm not moving.

"You're extremely annoying, you know that?" He rolled his eyes and I tilted my head, irritating him further. "If you think it's so easy to come up with an answer, then why don't you tell me yours!"

"Fine with me. I'm thankful for the fact that I can drive to the beach whenever I want to and for the delicious cup of coffee I made myself this morning, since they mostly taste like shit." Michael raised a brow at my words as I continued. "Lastly, I'm thankful for the sun and it's warmth. It's one of the things that make me happiest."

Michael blinked a couple times before letting out a cackle. "That was stupid! The sun?! You've got to be kidding!"

"What's wrong with the sun?! It gives us life and light!"

"It's a flaming ball of fire that can expand and end the world. Plus, it shines too bright and hurts my eyes. Also, did I mention it's fucking hot and we're strolling around like it isn't fifty-thousand degrees out?!"He waved his arms around frantically.

"Cry me a river, build a bridge, and get over it! At least we have heat! Some people live in Antartica and don't even know what hot feels like!" I shot back and pushed my sunglasses up my head. "Three things you're grateful for or made you happy! Now!"

"Fine! I'm thankful for the times when I'm not blind, because there isn't any sand in my eyes. I'm thankful for when I'm at home and don't have to hear their incessant screams, which by the way, makes me want to bash my head against the wall." Michael growled and pointed aggressively at the seagulls flying above.

They swooped down and stood a few feet away, staring at us as if we were circus animals. Michael's upper lip curled in anger as he shooed them away, while I watched with a neutral expression on my face.

"Finally, I'm grateful for the fact that I didn't go deaf after listening to you sing horribly during the car ride to this place." His chest rose and fell as he finished speaking. Eyes burned furiously into my own as he straightened his posture. I straightened a button on my black romper and adjusted the strap on my little backpack. "Happy?"

"Yes, I am, actually." Giving him a smile, I continued to walk towards our secret destination. Confusion was evident on Michael's face as he matched my pace.

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