Contractions already...?

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So it was 3:30 am and I went to go to the toilet,I was in so much pain near my pelvis it was like I couldn't move or do anything whatsoever.I just got halfway into the toilet when I felt something splatter all over the floor.My waters had broke.Diego was still awake and I shouted "Baby,my waters have broke!" He rushed and said "Baby it's okay just breathe okay just breathe," he went to go get his mom and he said, "Mom,get up Y/N's waters have just broke," Mr & Mrs Martir they woke up an got Y/N's hospital bag in and everything ready.Diego was telling me to breathe on the way there.I got in the room,I gave Mrs Martir my phone and I said,"Please call Alyssa and Ona,I want them here," she called them and they arrived so fast.

They came in to see me and I was 4 centimetres dilated so I was sort of taking it easy but I was in so much pain and Diego was being so helpful ,he was giving me water,he was tying my hair up,he was patting my head wet with some tissue because of how much I was sweating.Diego was going to be my birthing partner and also I wasn't going to have anything like an epidural to stop the pain or I wasn't going to let them do a c-section either I wanted a natural birth so if I have another one,I really do know what it feels like.

4:50 am

I was now 7 centimetres dilated,you have to be 10 until you can start pushing but it was so painful like it really did hurt.I was slowly breathing,I had some gas and air because I couldn't breathe that's how much pain I was in.

5:20 am 

I was now 10 centimetres dilated and I slowly started to push and it took 4 long pushes for her to come out.I was sweating like mad.She was born at 5:25 am on the 6th of July 2019. *pretend it's that date*She weighed 6lb 8oz,so she was quite chubby.The nurses had finished cleaning her off and Diego came up to me and said,"I am so proud of you,she's gorgeous,she
clearly gets it of her momma but I just wanted to say I love you and I'm ready for our family!"

The nurses had finished cleaning her off and Diego came up to me and said,"I am so proud of you,she's gorgeous,she clearly gets it of her momma but I just wanted to say I love you and I'm ready for our family!"

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This was our baby girl.Her name is Camilla Rosa Martir.She was born on the 6th of July 2019 at 5:25 am and she weighed 6lb 8oz.As soon as she was handed to me I cried,she was so beautiful,precious and perfect.She looked so much like her dad.She had his gorgeous brown eyes.Diego kissed me and my life was now complete.I had my king and my princess.Alyssa,Max,Ona and Brandon were brought in,they saw me holding her and they all cried.I let Alyssa hold her and she cried when she looked at her.She looked so happy."Does this remind you of when Ella was first born?" "Yes it does," she said. I got a photo of her and Max and Camilla.She passed her to Max and Max said, "She is so cute and perfect,isn't she?"Everyone nodded.Max passed her to Brandon and he looked so happy."Ona,I want a baby!" Brandon said."Me too." "Best get down to business," Alyssa said.

And finally I let Ona hold Camilla and she cried.And when Ona held her she said,"Hi,see you that beautiful lady over there,that's your momma.You see that other beautiful lady over there,that's your Aunty Alyssa and I'm Aunty Ona.That man over there is Uncle Max,that man over there is daddy,you get your eyes of him.And finally you see this man here,that's your Uncle Brandon.


~New book coming soon called 'Camilla,Diego and Me.~

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