The Scan

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4:50 am 

I woke up and I couldn't stop being sick, so Diego being the good boyfriend that he is wakes up and he asked if everything was ok and I said not really.I was being sick until 5:10 am ,that's 20 minutes of constantly being sick.He held my hair back whilst I was throwing up,he tied it up for me whilst he went to get the sickness tablets and a glass of water.We got back in bed and I put my head on Diego's chest and I said, "Thank you baby," "It's fine baby,anything for you and my lil bean," "I'm excited for the scan but I best get some rest," "Goodnight baby," Diego said."Goodnight baby," I said back.

8:00 am 

Diego woke up,popped me an anti-sickness tablet with a glass of water and he gently woke me up,so I got dressed up into a loose kind of tunic dress and when I looked in the mirror I could see a bit of a bump,so I quickly shouted Diego and he saw it and said "Our little bean!" I took a photo.And then we drove to the scan and it turns out I was actually 5 weeks and not 2.We was so shocked and we got a scan photo.I saved it as my lock screen.

We drove back and when we got back it was 8:50 am,and my mom had arrived back of holiday with my dad.We was gonna have some coffee first,I helped Mrs Martir make them,I asked if she told her but she didn't. So we sat down and we drank our coffee and my mom said so what's new.

Mom:So what's new?

Y/N:Well you know how you & dad are grandparents and have a grandchild.


Y/N:I'm pregnant

Mom:*hugged Y/N* very funny prank.

Diego:We're not joking


Diego:I'll get the test.

*showed them he test*

*dad walks up to Diego and grabs his top*

Dad:You got my daughter pregnant at 15?

*I pushed his away and I hugged Diego*

Y/N:It was the birth control pills.


Y/N:Yeah *smiling*

Mom & Dad:Well grab your stuff from home cause we don't want you anymore.

Diego and Mr Martir helped me grab my stuff.

I now lived with my baby's grandparents and my boyfriend's parents.I got my stuff and I cried because they did the same to Alyssa.And I was just shocked but I was happier here and I decided to stay here.My parents called me in the living room in front of everyone.Mia,Camb,Mr & Mrs Martir,Alyssa,Max and Diego were all here.We called Alyssa and Max to come here.My mom phoned me and said "If you have an abortion,we will accept you. I screamed No"


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