Hayden's p.o.v.
*6 hours later*
I walked out on stage looking at all the men/boys sitting out there waiting for me to perform. No body stuck out to me, usually someone sticks out to me.
either they look funny, or they're very attractive or they just look out of place. But today seemed like a normal crowd. That usually eases my nerves, if its just a normal crowd.
if I thought someone was attractive id be all clammy and sweaty and have my eyes on them the entire time hoping they wouldnt look back at me. Usually that would back fire and that person would want me to give them a lap dance or do more.
I'd chicken out and ask the bouncers to have them removed. My boss, James, would get so mad at me sometimes but drop it after cause im the one that gets the most money, how I dont even know. but for some reason they really like the whole innocent look.
Im currently still the only virgin out of all the girls. The regulars that show up through out the day at the club call me the virgin marry. Cause I say im a virgin but I sure as hell don't look like it, as they say.
Just as I was about to close my eyes and actually get into the dance I hear a loud booming yet playful laugh come from over by the entrance. I slip during my dance slightly earning a few glares but I domt really care.
I try and focus on where exactly the laugh is coming from, as to who it was from and I cant find anything so I just try to close my eyes.
I get into it and feel men shoving dollars in the sides of my outfit and feel money hitting my body slightly and slowly falling to the groud as I hear that same laugh except its a lot closer now.
I scan the room as the lights slowly dim and I frantically grab the money on the floor around me, there are dim lights over by the bar so I can slightly see around the club.
Out of the corner of my eye I see purple hair, and I sharply turn my head to the right and a boy with a ring lip piercing and dark brown eyes, with bright purple hair is starring directly at me as if he could see me.
He cant possibly see me because the lights are off around me. No one can see me right now. But it sure looks like he could see me, he was just starring straight at me.
he looks away for a minute at a girl throwing herself at him and he laughs, the laugh i've been looking for is coming from him and I freeze. He pushes the girl away from him and shakes his head no.
He looks directly back at me and winks, turns his whole body around and I'm hoping he asked for a drink but to my dismay he points his thumb behind him and ask something to the bar tender.
the bar tender looks over the purple haired boy and sees me standing here and looks back at the boy, I can see that hes asking for his ID and nods his head in approval before ushering him to follow him.
I run to the back and sit at my table, fix my hair, make up and put a different out fit on that isnt full of sweat. Cocoa runs to me and says, "you have someone waiting for you, he's paying a lot of money for you to. I didnt hear the whole conversation but I heard 8 grand."
my jaw drops and I start to shake slightly. I turn around and stand up, Im so nervous about whats going to happen. Everything looks and feels like its moving in slow motion as I move faster then everyone else.
I finally make my way over to where a man was waiting, the bar tender and standing 3 feet away was the boy with the purple hair. He was fidgeting with his fingers as he noticed me standing here looking down at him puzzled.
he looks up all the way and looks me up and down, then a smirk slowly began to grow on his face until he looked like his face was going to explode of happiness.

Sinister Tragedies
RomansaI woke up drenched in sweat, tears streaming down my face and me frantically shaking and shivering, I looked up to see something move behind my curtains. I knew something was looking at me, I eased my body up being careful not to fall. I felt it sta...