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1. Name something pink what you've eaten in the last week.

Strawberry Laffy Taffy

2. What do you think is the best thing you've written on here?

The best thing I've written on here would be my song titled 'Smoke'

3. I shaved off all your hair while you were sleeping. How do you react?

Well, I'd be mad but my hair grows fast so I guess not too mad.

4. Have you ever thought about changing your name to Olaf, and stealing someone's fortune?

Haha, I've never had those thoughts in my life.

5. Have you ever been mistaken for the opposite sex?

I have once.

6. Do you have a favorite author on here, if so what's their name?

I do, and their name is @StormChaser. I love her poetry.

7. Any life threatening allergies?

I don't.

8. Do you play a musical instrument?

Yes, I actually play quite a few musical instruments!

9. How many pets do you have?

I just have a dog.

10. What is your favorite book/ series outside of Wattpad?

My favorite book series is Percy Jackson.

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