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1. Do you think Wattpad should have a special category for 1D stories? Why or why not?

1. Hmm.. I guess, probably... Because a lot of people have been complaining that whatever category there is so many 1D fan fics and they find it so annoying, so I guess wattpad should, but i'm actually fine with it.

2. Can you swim?

No :( like... I'm scared of swimming. Because I once drowned in the beach with my friends and then when my uncle tried to save us, he ended up drowning himself too.. So ever since that I haven't learned to swim.

3. Do you like seafood?

Yeah. :)

4. Are you an only child?

Nope, two other sisters.

5. Ever been on a train ride?


6. Have you had an eyebrow waxing before?

Yep, but I don't like to do it... But my sister does it for me and never takes no for an answer..

7. Who is your favorite Disney Princess?

Belle. Like I just love that she's herself, staying to books and all that and then there's no makeover or anything and then she finds a person who actually loves her for her. It's really nice, and plus they actually fall in love because they like eachother, not for strange reasons like, "he kissed me and I woke up", or "we danced together one night". :P

8. When was the last time you rode a horse?

Last week. :3

9. What grade are you in?

10th grade.

10. You have been transported into Narnia, what do you do first?

I don't know.. I really don't know.. XD

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