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1. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Umm.... 7? O.o

2. Have you ever cussed around a teacher?

Tons of times.

3. Do you have any pets?

A cat actually. Her name's Snoopy. =^.^=

4. Which of your stories do you feel is the best?

I'd have to go with Untold Secrets. I can relate to my main character Scarlett.

5. When was the last time you punched someone?

Last day of school. It was a guy that was perving on me. *shudders*

6. Name something with Banana flavoring that you've eaten recently.

I don't really like bananas... >_<

7. What are your thoughts about Muppets?

The Muppets scare me. They're like the kiddy version of Chucky. O.O

8. How did you get so many people to read your stories?!

I like to go to the share your story club. I find so many amazing stories there as well. Amazing writers out there need more credit. (:

9. What's your favorite breakfast food?

Hash browns all the way! Especially McDonald's. Yumm!

10. What's your favorite theme park (Disney world, six flags... stuff like that)?

Well I'm an adrenaline junky so I love Six Flags. The best place EVER! ♥

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