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1. Do you floss?

Sometimes, we don't tend to buy floss...

2. Have you ever had a Kangaroo in your yard?

yes! i have ^.^

3. Name something green you've eaten recently.

a jelly snake >.<

4. Which one of your Wattpad stories do you think is he best?

one of my own....probably my Fallen Ashes series ^.^

5. Do you have any pets?

yup. i have three dogs, a bird and a fish ^.^

6. What inspired your username?

A song actually, not my favourite, but i like the name of the song ^.^

7. Are there Ikea stores in Austrailia?

Yes, there are Ikea stores here in Aus' i've been to one!

8. On a scale of 1 to 10, how afraid of spiders are you?

probably a solid 6. i'm only scared of the big ones :P

9. How do you get to school in the morning?

i catch the bus.

10. What was the best dream you've ever had?

Best dream.... it would help if i could remember them :P

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