Chapter 7: Past Curfew

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Author's Note: Sorry for taking so long with this! I'm quite busy these few weeks but I'm going to try write more chapters, especially since I've been reading so many Zodiac books that - for some reason - I've never seen before. Anyway, never mind me; on to the story!


"Scorpio's taking quite a while..." Cancer mumbled nervously. "Do you think they...?"

"No... no, Scorpio's strong enough to take care of herself." Pisces exhaled shakily, then added in a slightly more confident voice: "Besides, have you seen how quick she is?"

"...yeah, I guess so. But... still."


None of the Earth Squadron members had fallen asleep. Even though the entire room was silent except for their faint, measured breaths, they could all tell that none of them could fall asleep.

Taurus's bedside lamp flickered on. The raven haired girl sat up and ran a hand through her thick, dark hair with a faint sigh.

"I don't like this." Taurus muttered, mostly to herself.

"...Taurus, be careful." Virgo whispered, sitting up and brushing away the dark brown hair hanging over his eye. "You don't know if they're listening."

"I just have... this feeling. Something's wrong, you know?" Taurus said quietly. "I guess it's just everyone's uneasiness and all, but... I just don't... don't know."

" too." A third voice spoke. Capricorn's pale grey eyes glinted in the faint light of Taurus's lamp as she sat up. "I don't like not knowing what's going on. I..."

A thud in the corridor startled the three of them.

Taurus turned towards the door with a furrowed brow. "Did... did someone drop something?"

As if responding, something scraped against a surface outside.

Virgo picked up his glasses and squinted through them. "I -"

"I'm going out." Capricorn suddenly stood up.

"Wait, Capricorn..."

Virgo reached out, searching for anyone he could communicate to outside. To his surprise, there was... nothing. He couldn't sense anything - not even the minds of his own Squadron.

Taurus stood up as well. "That's it. C'mon, Virgo. We're going out."

"Wait! There's something wrong with -" Virgo trailed off as the two females began heading for the door. "My powers..."

"Let's go." Taurus repeated firmly.

Virgo sighed and gave up. Maybe he was just tired...? "The doors are locked after curfew, though -"

"There's one minute. We'll be out for a moment." Capricorn stated.

Taurus was already heading out of the doors, which had hissed open as she approached it. Capricorn raised an eyebrow at Virgo and headed out as well.

Virgo gulped and checked the clock on his bedside table. As Capricorn had said, there was still one minute before ten.

He silently made a decision and skittered out of the room after the two females.


Leo was practically pounding on the doors with her fists in anger. "IT'S 9:59! WHY ARE THE DOORS LOCKED!" She shrieked.

"...quiet, Leo." Aries exhaled quietly. Surprisingly - well, not exactly - the pale haired girl had gone to bed as soon as she finished her shower. She lay silently under her bedsheets, eyes open and gazing blankly at the ceiling. "They... they could harm you."

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