Chapter 18: Let's Investigate

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"We're done!" Destiny shouted out into her telepathic bond with Anton.

"Got it." Anton responded. "Alright, everyone, move out." He muttered to himself. He closed his eyes and reached out Rin first. "Tell Brian and everyone to get out now." He stated. (Anton really wished that he had the ability to contact everyone at once, but no matter how much he tried, he wasn't able to; a limitation to his power, he supposed.)

"Alright." Rin responded. "Tell Lucia to get out of here. I'll give Aster the signal."

The blue-haired girl studied the dark shapes moving beyond the fire. She reached out a hand and did her best to quench some of the flames, but discretely enough so it would appear to have been an act of nature.

"Brian?" She called out softly. The blond haired male landed almost soundlessly beside her from his perch in the tree, surrounding them both with the illusion. "Shauna, with me." Brian ordered. "Aster?"

Shauna skittered over, her expression set into one of concern. "The guards are near." She mumbled. "I can already see the fire being put out from between the trees..."

Aster reappeared from the shadows with a grave expression on her face. "Everyone, come here. Don't move until I've transported everyone." She stated almost monotonously.

The three teenagers hurried over to where she had obscured herself in the shadows. "This'll be a one way trip." Aster continued. "Do you have anything left to do here?"

"Just hurry." Brian stated. Rin shook her head. "Let's just get out of here."

Aster nodded and closed her eyes.

"–Show yourself!"

That was the last thing they heard before the dizzying sensation of falling overtook them and darkness enveloped them all.

They seemed to fall for eternity – at least, much longer than usual. Nausea took hold but Rin swallowed hard and ignored it, focusing on the light that was rapidly approaching...

The smell of something sharp and tangy struck first before the darkness faded away. Shauna let out a cry as she toppled forwards and landed hard on her hands and knees. Rin and Brian both landed on their feet, their eyes rapidly adjusting to the dim light, while Aster...

"Aster?" Rin said aloud, brow furrowing. The purple-haired teenager was nowhere to be seen.

Rin swore under her breath and looked around. "Brian, where's Aster?"

Brian glanced over after helping Shauna to her feet. "Aster? I don't know..."

As if responding to Brian, the shadows around them suddenly flickered and wavered. The purple-haired teenager suddenly toppled out of the shadows, her eyes shut.

Brian caught her before she could fall on her face. His eye twitched, but otherwise he gave no other sign of emotion. "She appears to have passed out from excessive use of power."

"Thank goodness..." Shauna sighed with relief and looked around. "But... where are we? I thought Aster said we were going to be transported to her room?"

"Perhaps she was not strong enough to take us that far." Brian hypothesised. "Either way, we will have to head back before anyone sees us together and realises our part in the wildfire. Come on, this way."

Rin was already at the door. It appeared to be one of the older doors – at least, a less used one, due to the fact it wasn't automatic like most of the others were. She leaned against it carefully and pressed her ear against it. Deciding that it was safe to exit, she quietly pushed the door open and poked her head outside. "This is one of the storage rooms for cleaning supplies. Explains the smell, I guess."

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