Chapter 8: The Mission

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"It's begun." Orion said gravely.

"Sir..." Dr. M stood nearby, peering over Orion's shoulder at the piles of reports and blurry, printed images on the table. "They're not mentally ready. Haven't you seen how they acted? They don't even follow orders here, so how can you expect them to follow orders..."

"Silence, Dr. M." Orion turned around and fixed his colleague with a piercing blue stare. "This is the only chance we have. We must strike while they are vulnerable, and to wait any longer is to present ourselves on the execution block."

"...yes, sir."

Orion sighed. He sat down and rubbed the bridge of his nose, suddenly looking much older. "I know what you mean, Mensa. These children... they are merely children. It will be difficult to get them to follow orders. Sometimes, I wonder how he controlled them..."

"They were raised from birth to become murderers, sir." Dr. M said. "Brainwashed, if you will."

"I know, I know." Orion sighed again. "But still."

The two men sat in silence for a long moment.

"Dr. M." Orion finally said. "Send the children to me. I will give them their orders."

"Yes, sir."


Libra woke to uneasy tension in the air.

She glanced over at the electronic clock on her bedside table. It was six thirty, as usual. Her internal clock usually woke her up exactly at this time.

She slid off the bed almost silently and tied up her messy blond hair. Aquarius's bed was empty. Gemini was sitting on his bed, staring blankly at a wall while running a hand through his damp, dark purple hair.

Libra nodded at him wordlessly as she passed. Gemini's grey-blue eye - the right eye was hidden by his hair - flickered over to her for a second. He grunted in greeting but didn't say anything else.

As Libra approached the bathroom, the door swung open to reveal a frustrated Aquarius.

"What's wrong?" Libra asked curiously as she took in Aquarius's appearance. His silver-blue hair was sticking up everywhere and appeared to be damp from a shower, and his purple-blue eyes were slightly bloodshot, as if he hadn't slept all night.

Aquarius grumbled something inaudible as he walked past her. Libra flashed him a look of concern at his reaction. After all, even though Aquarius usually wasn't a morning person, this was... grumpier than how he usually acted. Even so, she decided to pay it no mind for now and headed into the bathroom to shower as well.


Almost as soon as Libra walked out, drying her damp hair, the metallic doors slid open.

Gemini almost immediately bounced up to his feet with delight, but his face fell as several guards marched in.

"Dr. M and Mr Orion orders you to meet him in the dining hall at eight." The one at the front stated. "Failure to do so will result in severe consequences."

The guards marched out almost immediately. The doors hissed shut behind them.

"Wonder what that was about." Gemini muttered under his breath.

"I'm wondering more about why are abilities aren't working." Aquarius grumbled from his bed.

Libra frowned. Wait, they aren't?

She experimentally reached out for her source of power. Usually, it would rear up almost immediately in response, but it stayed silent.

Her attempts to generate a forcefield led to similar results.

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