Chapter 25: Promise Me

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"Alright, I'll be quick." Destiny whispered. "You cannot let Ophiuchus or Dr. Cetus get close to you. They want to brainwash you with the serum and... it'll make you revert back to becoming Ophiuchus's brainless guards and he'll make you murder everyone –"

"W-wh –"

"Quiet." Brian crossed his arms, eyes narrowed. "The guards are right around the corner and they don't know we're here. Yet."

"Right." Destiny nodded rapidly. "Um, how do I put this...? I... I trust you, Cancer. I know hardly anyone does, especially after your past –"

"W-what past?" Cancer stuttered out, finally regaining some part of his voice. "What... what do you mean?!"

"You were raised here after King Ophiuchus came to power." Brian stated. "King Ophiuchus is known all over the Central Empire, indeed – for being the most insane king to live." A dark shadow fell over the blond-haired male's face. "He's always dreamed of being the king of the twelve Zodiacs, which have always been myths... until he ordered the kingdom's top scientists to create you. Or, in short, you were taken from birth and with..." His lip curled ever so slightly. ", he implanted powers into you twelve and raised you from birth to become the kingdom's executioners. Raised to kill every person he deemed a traitor."

"Um, i-is he okay?" Destiny mumbled to Brian.

Cancer was just staring at Brian with pupils blown wide. He opened his mouth, then closed it, then opened it again.

"Perhaps you were a bit too harsh on him..."

"Nonsense. This is the truth... and he needs to know. After all, he was one of King Ophiuchus's killers..."

Destiny shook her head. "No... people can change. This is why we're here, right? They're not bad people – they were just raised by bad people. I don't think he can handle all of this information right now..."

"We're running out of time, Destiny." Brian said with a hint of impatience in his voice. "Are you sure he was the best person to tell?"

"Yes! I... I trust him... er, Cancer?" Destiny reached forwards and carefully shook Cancer by the shoulders.

"W-what... H-how... you're talking about... us?"

The air flickered and a person seemed to flicker into existence. A dark-haired male stepped out into the open, dark-purple eyes narrowed with what seemed to be frustration. When he noticed Brian, he immediately turned towards him and spoke in a rushed tone.

"Ge - Brian. There's an intruder in the control rooms in the laboratory and we need backup. Rin's holding her off on her own right now–!"

"Rin?" Brian immediately snapped to attention. "What about Rin? Who's she holding off right now?! Harlow, why are you here and not there?"

"She asked me to come get you – quickly! It's some woman I've never seen before and she was trying to attack Rin and Adrienne when Rin sent me to get you." Harlow said quickly.

Destiny nodded with understanding. "Brian, go." She urged. "I'll be fine with Cancer. I trust him, after all – we can just carry out the rest of the plan with me here myself."

Brian stared at Destiny for a long moment. Finally, he turned to Harlow. "Let's go."

The two males darted down the corridor – with Harlow teleporting every few seconds – and disappeared around the corner. Destiny gave them one final glance before turning back to Cancer, who still seemed to be in shock.

"Cancer, please snap out of it – we need you alert for what we need to do." Destiny urged.

"I'm... fine..." Cancer breathed, blinking rapidly. "What... what did you want to say?"

"Alright. We don't have much time; when Anton gives the signal we need to move at once." Destiny stated. "Er, sorry to unload this all on you now, but it's important... as Brian said, you used to be King Ophiuchus's elite guard slash executioners."

Cancer visibly flinched at this. Destiny quickly added "But I know you're not like that now! You guys are good people – I can just feel it! It's not your fault... but you have to listen to me."

Her expression grew serious. "With your powers, King Ophiuchus can unleash havoc upon the people of this world again. He's figured out a serum of sorts to return your memories... but return you to your previous state of being brainwashed. Then... then he'll send you twelve out... to kill everyone." She flinched at this statement herself. "But...! We've... we've decided to figure out a way to stop this. So you need to listen to me... got it?"

Cancer only wordlessly nodded, unable to even trust himself to say anything.

"Right. Er, right now, Adrienne's hacking into the control systems and all. She's going to turn off all the security systems and the rest of that stuff... then when Anton gives the signal, you need to take the rest of your friends... and run. Run as far as you can so Ophiuchus doesn't get that serum anywhere near you. We'll hold them off for as long as we can – and we'll distract the guards, too –"

"W-wait!" Cancer finally yelped. "What do you mean, hold them off? Where will you be if... if we run?" He could almost hear Scorpio's incredulous voice in his head right now: "You mean you trust them? You hardly know them, Cancer – you can't just trust anyone!"

"Cancer, what's going on?" Virgo's urgent voice suddenly filled his head. "What does Dr. Cetus want?"

"It's... a long story." Cancer responded quickly. "But... you have to listen to me... and get everyone ready to run."

"What –"

Cancer tuned him out for the time being and turned back to Destiny, who was halfway through her response.

"–and your escape is the most important because if he gets his hands on you, everyone's doomed! Just let us help you... help the people of the Central Empire." Destiny continued rapidly. "I... I promise... if we can run, we will run. But... it's our duty as guards, after all, to protect the people." She sent Cancer a smile that seemed laced with something else. "We can fend for ourselves for long enough. I promise."

"If... if we run – you can't just stay... for our sake! If you do this... please... you have to come with us. Or... we stay and help you, too–!"

"No." Destiny's voice was firm. "I promise we'll do what we can. It is our choice – if we die, then so be it! At least it was for the greater good –"

"Y-you can't! You can't just sacrifice yourself for... us when we hardly even know you, a-and–!"

"Listen to me, Cancer. If he gets his hands on you... he will wreck havoc upon the world. The deaths of twelve people... it'll be worth it, right? All of us... we're ready to fight our hardest. We won't go down with a fight. But if you want to help us... you need to take all of your friends – from Aries to Pisces – and run. Please... will you promise me that one thing?"

Cancer couldn't respond to that sincerity. He blinked, suddenly feeling his throat tighten and something hot curl in his chest. He only – finally – nodded wordlessly, not trusting his voice to carry him through.

"...Thank you." Destiny finally sent him a faint smile. "Cancer... I know you might not think this, but... you're a good person. All of you – you're not bad people. You were only raised by bad people... so... you can change. You're not bound by your past." She gripped his hands and stared firmly into his eyes. "So... if you really want to find a way to forgive yourselves... run. Run so far that Ophiuchus will never see you again... and never look back."

She let go of his hands and stepped back. "Anton's ready to give the signal – three, two..."

And a dark shadow suddenly seemed to materialise out of nowhere and suddenly behind Destiny before she could even speak, leaving Cancer to stare in horror at a very familiar face.

Alarms started blaring and a dim red light settled upon the once brightly-lit hallway, casting the silhouette's startling blue eyes in an eerie glow. The shouting that filled the other end of the hallway almost seemed muted as the figure grinned at Cancer.

"My, my. I thought I would have to send them out after you but you brought all your friends back here into my coils. I must thank you for that, little Pisces... or Destiny now, was it?"

"Ophiuchus..." Cancer breathed.

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