Chapter 24: The Meeting

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"I guess it's time for the meeting." Aries said quietly as the knock rang out upon her door. She made sure her weapons were secure – deciding to sheath her broadsword out in plain sight, since the guards had let them keep it the first time anyway – and stood up, heading for the door.

The doors slid open and Aries stepped outside to be met with the familiar sight of guards. She watched as the others exited their rooms and made to stand next to Leo and Sagittarius.

"I wonder what he wants to talk about." Leo said as Aries approached. "You think it has something to do with... the festival?"

"Perhaps." Sagittarius shrugged. "We'll know when we figure out."

"Hey, guys! Are you looking forward to the festival?" Pisces exclaimed as he bounded over to them, eyes alight with excitement. "Just look out the window – there are so many people! It looks like it'll be a lot of fun!"

Aries shrugged. "It could be. I'm thinking it'll be more of a... chance, you know. To learn about this place." The others seemed to understand her hidden implication and they nodded sagely.

"King Ophiuchus did speak about how we were named after... the constellations called 'the Zodiacs'." Libra pointed out. The blond-haired girl had tied up her hair and had actually made herself look presentable in the short time they were given to prepare. "While I don't know what they are, maybe it's something to do with the festival he called 'the festival of stars'."

"Good deduction, Libra." Virgo mumbled. "I... I think so, too..."

"Virgo? The power barriers are down, right?" Aquarius said in a hushed voice. The blue-haired male sauntered over, hands behind his head in a gesture of casualness. "For some reason, nearly everyone's minds are somehow blocked from my mind reading, including the guards."

"That's strange... maybe it's some other piece of technology not connected to the main barrier system you and Scorpio found." Virgo said in a quieter voice. "Your mind reading powers did work on us, after all..."

"Mmhm." Aquarius nodded. "Weird, isn't it?"

"If you could choose to not have your mind read, then why let your mind be open to everyone?" Scorpio muttered as she approached. "Maybe some sort of technology. We couldn't read their minds back in Orion's lab, too, so I guess they have this technology on their guards too."

"Hmph. Lame." Aquarius yawned. "That's boring. What's the point of it anyway?"

"Quiet – they don't know the barrier's down yet." Capricorn grumbled. "We don't want you revealing everything too early, Aquarius."


"Anyway, guys, stop being so glum for a second! Aren't you guys ready for the festival?!" Pisces exclaimed, interrupting the glaring/staring competition between Aquarius and Capricorn. "Did you guys look outside? Everyone's putting up tents and stuff! Do you think there'll be games to play there?"

"Eh, don't know about that. This festival sounds kinda boring." Gemini popped up from behind Aries, who jumped at his sudden appearance. "It could to fun to poke around though."

"Like I was saying." Aries mumbled, but Gemini continued talking over her. "I mean, there's loads of people, right? They've ought to know something about this place."

"You guys talk way too loudly." Taurus complained. "I bet I'd hear you from the other side of the castle. The guards are staring at you."

Indeed – the guards were staring and discretely (probably) trying to listen in to their conversation. They went back to looking over their shoulders blankly when Taurus mentioned them, though.

"I think the guards are getting impatient..." Cancer said quietly. "We should go before we're late to the meeting."

"Good idea, Cancer. Let's go, then!" Aries declared.


"He's late to his own meeting? Really?" Sagittarius complained loudly, earning an elbow in the gut from Leo. "Shut up, Sag. You don't want to displease the oh-so-mighty leader here, do you?"

"Both of you, shut up." Aries sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose with her thumb and forefinger. "Honestly, I don't know how I deal with you two all the time."

The two Fire Squadron members continued to bicker, but this time about more aimless things. The others stood about, conversing quietly with each other and shooting occasional glances at the doors, which stayed firmly shut.

"What's taking so long, though?" Scorpio said quietly. "I don't like this...

"...I'd like to speak with, er, Cancer." A mousy voice suddenly called. Everyone – including the guards – spun around to see the figure of a familiar scientist standing at the end of the corridor.

"V-very well, Dr. Cetus!" One of the guards stuttered out, still looking slightly shocked at the scientist's sudden appearance. "Er, sir, is... your head okay? You sound a little..."

"I'm fine!" The figure shouted from the end of the corridor. "J-just a little... woozy! I'll lie down... in a moment!"

"Alright, sure." The guard said in a quieter voice, then turned around and scanned them. "Zodiac Cancer, if you please."

"M-me?! Why me?" Cancer squeaked. Pisces patted him on the shoulder and smiled. "Don't worry! Besides, it's just the scientist. He can't do anything to you that you can't stop, right? Go for it!"

When Cancer's feet remained stubbornly stuck to the floor, Scorpio lowered her head to whisper one of her rare words of encouragement. "Cancer, you'll do fine. I know you can. Just speak with the scientist... and if he does anything, shout and I'll destroy him."

"E-er, okay..." Somehow, Scorpio's reassurance actually calmed his racing heart and he hurried along the corridor towards the scientist, who made no move from where he was standing at the end of the corridor.

"This way." Dr. Cetus said when he was halfway down the corridor. The scientist stepped around the corner and out of sight. Cancer made to follow, closing his hands into fists and preparing for the worst.

Wait... didn't Sagittarius and Gemini say that... the other Zodiacs warned us to stay away from him? I don't want to be left alone with him -!

"Quickly!" This time, it was not the strange, mousy voice that had spoken earlier but a lower male's voice. Cancer squeaked with fear and skittered over, turning the corner to be met with...?!

The figure of Dr. Cetus was nothing more than blurry blobs of colour that seemed to dissolve into thin air: merely an illusion, not unlike the ones Gemini would create. Instead, he was met with the sight of a very familiar girl and a tall, blond-haired male that was staring at him with narrowed eyes.

"D-destiny?! Brian?!"

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