Chapter 30: Working Together

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Author's Note: Warning for violence, as usual. (Am I dragging out all of this too much...? Well, hopefully all Zodiacs have enough of a part in this! If you think one of the zodiacs have been left out, feel free to let me know and I'll make sure to edit this/previous/future chapters if required!) Also, check out Chapter 29's cover image because I just updated it with an amazing piece of artwork by my friend who I'll tag in the chapter! She's made so many different pieces of artwork for KI and they're all really amazing (I'll figure out a way to include them all here soon!!) Anyway, I'll stop with the rambling in this chapter and I hope you enjoy the story!


"What are they doing?!" Scorpio hissed as she watched the light show. "Have Leo and Sagittarius gone mad?!"

"No... it's actually a rather smart idea. Phoenix can't focus on reading all of our minds at once, especially with those two distracting them. I wonder if it's part of Aries' plan..." Virgo contemplated. The brunette was sitting cross legged on the ground as Cancer pressed his hands to the small burns that had formed before Scorpio had managed to shadow-travel them away.

"Thank you, Cancer." Virgo adjusted his glasses and examined the now fully healed skin. "Impeccable work as always..."

Cancer flushed slightly with embarrassment. "Um, t-thank you... Scorpio, how about you?"

"I'm fine. It's nothing." Scorpio said without turning around. She was sporting a rather large burn on her forearms, despite this, though she didn't pay it any attention.

"No." Cancer said, surprised to find his voice steely and firm. "It'll become infected. You know that healing is important, and it'll take a few seconds."

Scorpio didn't respond for a few seconds. Finally, she turned around with a raised eyebrow. "Hm. Something's happened, hasn't it?"

Cancer flinched but refused to respond. He focused his attention on healing the wound, and was only shaken out of his daze at least five seconds after staring at where the wound used to be with his hands still out and glowing.

"Are you alright, Cancer?" Taurus asked, frowning. Despite her rough tone of voice, she actually seemed worried, though not many would realise it.

"I'm fine." Cancer muttered as he rose to his feet, not looking into Taurus's golden-hazel eyes in fear of her asking any more questions. "We should help them out with whatever plan they have."

Shauna gazed at him nervously but did not question him. Castor was busy fidgeting and humming in a not very good emulation of nonchalance.

"What game are those two playing at?" Scorpio muttered as she watched a volley of arrows - shot faster than any regular human could aim - send the half-crumbling ceiling into debris above where the figure of Phoenix was, only for the rocks and whatever else to be tossed away with ease. Phoenix was immediately blinded by a blast of light; and she countered that by causing the entire area around her to fall pitch black.

"Must be another one of their competitions again." Taurus sighed. "Leo and Sagittarius may be valuable assets to our team, but they're... unpredictable."

"Aries does have a plan." Virgo suddenly said. "Does simulation 'Winter Festival' sound familiar to you?"


"Alright, we'll try..." Destiny murmured. "We'll do our best."

Adrienne raises an eyebrow. "Simulation training, you claimed? Truly advanced technology. Dr. Mensas may have been a coward, but he has a rather bright mind to invent so much of the technology we use -"

"Take this. It'll serve as your replica of Taurus's mace for now." Aries interrupted Adrienne as she turned towards Kyson.

The tall brunette clutched the broadsword Aries passed to him. "But... what about you? Don't you need a weapon?"

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