Chapter 27

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***the next morning***

Cassidy's POV

Hope is fading, death is invading, nothing remains. I feel myself swinging, back and forth, left and right. I am truly hoping this is death, what's the alternative? Living hell. I know which I prefer, at least if I'm dead. I can be with Brianna and Trica, my only true friends. Only, I'm not dead... I'm still alive. Alive with countless scares both physically and mentally. I open my eyes trying to remember what happened, I was running, then bleeding. Oh no, he found me. I look up and see that I am hanging from the ceiling by a rope tied around my hands and arms. I'm surprised I'm not hanging by my collar I'm guessing I've been here for a while so I would have died in the collar.

My eyes are able to focus and spot Daffid walking around, filling a bucket with a yellow liquid and bringing it closer to me. I close my eyes and pretend to still be unconscious. When I think he isn't looking I glance through the curtain of eyelashes to see a long metal stick in his hand, I have a feeling this is going to hurt.

"I know your awake." I hear Daffid shout turning around. I try to speak but something is in my mouth. " I saw your little drawing. Thought I would make you a gift." He says getting closer with what appears to be a tool used for branding cattle. I look on the end and see the Yogscats symbol made of iron. I start to squirm knowing what he intends to do so Daffid grabs my ankles and adds a drug to my legs making them go numb. Daffid pulls out a blow touch and lights the branding iron on fire and heating it until it is red hot. He dunks it into the bucket and chuckles.

"What are you doing?" I try to ask but it is too muffled to understand.

"I thought since this symbol has a meaning to you I may as well make sure it stays with you. Burns fade so I decided, how about a little bit of acid to go with it." He laughs taking it out, I know it will hurt but logic says that if it hasn't melted through the iron then I won't die...hopefully. I can't help but be grateful it isn't an alkaline, that would kill me ten times over.

I feel the red hot avid burn against my skin, I thrash around trying to escape from the hellish experience. I keep screaming but the sound is almost silent by the time the vibrations have left my gag. I feel my skin cells dying and my body screaming as my blood bubbles and boils inside my body. Daffid finally removes the branding iron but the acid is still there, tears land on the burn causing even more pain and small amounts of steam rises. I catch a glance of the brander to see it has about three layers of skin still attached. The acid slowly starts to infect the rest of my body. I reach for my hip and try to curl up in a ball but I'm still hanging by my arms of a fail miserably. It is at that point that Daffid decides to cut the rope causing me to fall to the ground landing on my spine. I can only see a pair of shoes walking up to me. I feel the fabric gag being removed from my mouth.

"This is what happen when you run away." he spits before pouring something down my throat an making me swallow it. I'm left to suffer. As the numbness leaves my legs it is quickly replaced my pain

Sjin's PoV

Lewis hasn't told me what he plan is, he claims that's why it failed last time. I do as I'm told and sit at the table with my laptop. I managed to convince Simon and Kim to help but I am shocked when both Lewis and Hannah come in together. I don't know what Lewis has said or done but what ever it was, it worked. From what I can tell they are just friends, they're keeping a fair distance between each other but Lewis is smiling which is a good sign. Lewis hands me a piece of paper with an address on it.

"I need you to search his jones and the area on the internet, look for anything... Strange." He instructs I nod and get to work. Lewis continues to walk around telling people their jobs before sitting down himself.

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