Chapter 8 facing the past

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This chapter is dedicated to LoveYouToTheSunNill9 and to SolangeloAndHeroes because they kept asking for an update so here it is.
Bruce's POV
Tony lead me into a apartment building that looks really worn down. Just as we were about to turn the corner I heard "Nice to meet you Harry, Mr. Black."
"I wonder who Peter is talking to," Tony wondered aloud. "Because I've never heard of a Mr. Black, Is Mr. Black new to New York?" Tony questioned aloud.
As I turned around the corner I saw a teenager with untamable messy black hair with the the brightest green eyes I never thought I would ever see again, and.... two of my best friends.
"Tony, come over here I would like you to meet my friend Re-"
"Mooney, Padfoot, is that really you?" I ask dropping the American accent.
"Clevergreen? Is that really you?"
"Yeah, it me," Suddenly I found my self in a group hug than "ow" Sirius began hitting me, "Sirius ow would- ow- you - ow- stop that?"
"Sirius, stop now is not the time."
"Bruce? You know these people."
"Tony this is Remus and this idiot that was just hitting me is Sirius, some of my school mates-,"
"Just school mates? We are your best mates!" Sirius interrupts.
"Who's the kid?"
"I'm not a kid!"
"Harry, Mr. Stark won't listen, He still calls me kid even when I tell him I'm not a kid so I would drop it."
"Harry? Is that really you? I thought you were killed."
"Harry was picked up by Hagrid on Dumbledore's order and had been put in the care of the Dursley's,"
"The DURSLEY'S? But they are the worst sort of muggle. I thought in James and Lily's will it is explicit that if Harry was alive that he would NEVER be put in the care of the Dursley's?!" I hiss angrily.
"Hey, Bruce, you need to calm down, we don't want a code green," Tony states, calming me down slightly.
"Hey Brucie, mind telling me what this muggle means by a "code green" ?"
"First off, that's Tony, and secondly to answer your question Sirius we will need to head back to the tower."
"Well let's go."
"Wait one minute, first off, why can he call you Brucie but I can't.
"Because, Anthony he's my brother in every way but blood, has been my best friend since I've been 11 and has always called me that so, that is why."
"Now that that's cleared up let's go to this tower, what ever that is."
"Wait Sirius, we need to unpack first."
"But Mooney."
"Go unpack you guys, the reason we're even here is because Tony wanted to go and see Peter, so we'll be across the hall."
Hope you enjoyed this chapter also who do you want Bruce with? Who do you want Tony with? Who do you want Peter with? Please comment

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