Chapter 9 The Explaination

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A few hours later...

Harry POV

We finally finished unpacking so we headed over to the apartment across from us. Remus knocked on the door,

"It's open," cried Ms. Parker

We walked in and I saw Ms. Parker in the kitchen making sandwiches, Peter and some person, who looks like he'll pass out, was talking to Tony Stark.

Remus POV

I can't believe it, Bruce is alive!

"Bruce, your friends, and nephew are here!" May yells. As I saw Bruce walk into the kitchen with a look of disbelief on his face. "Is something wrong, Clevergreen?"
"I just still can't believe it's really you prats."
"Oy, who you calling prats?" Sirius asks.
"Just you, Padfoot," Bruce replies cheekily.
"Hey Bruce, let's have an explication about how you know them," Tony said, interrupting what could have become a disaster.
Bruce's POV

Ok... My real name is Bruce Banner Potter, I grew up only knowing magic for the first 10 years of my life. I was turned into a werewolf when I was only 5 years old. Then when I was 11 years old I got my letter to Hogwarts, which really surprised me, Then I got sorted into Ravenclaw...
"Hold it, hold it, what do you mean by magic, werewolf, and what is Hogwarts, and what is a Ravenclaw?" Tony interrupts.
"Sigh, I am a wizard, a pureblood, if you want to be technical which means both my parents were magical, half-blood is where only one parent is magical, and Muggle-born, where both parents are not magical, and squib where they are of a pureblood family but have no magical powers. I was bitten by Fenrir Greyback when I was 5 years old and was turned into a werewolf. Hogwarts is the school where witches and wizards learn magic. In Hogwarts, you're sorted into houses, there are four houses, Slytherin, which value cunning and ambition, and are very proud, Gryffindor, who value virtues of courage, bravery, and determination. Hufflepuffs value hard work, patience, loyalty, and fair play. Ravenclaw, my house, value wit, learning, and wisdom."
"Ok, but why were you surprised?"
"Werewolves aren't exactly treated fairly in the wizarding world, werewolves changes forcefully on every full moon and aren't in their right minds. So I was surprised I would be able to go, what I didn't know was that there was already a werewolf that was admitted to Hogwarts just the year before."
"Really? Who?"
"That would be me" Remus interjects.
"Alright Brucie, your turn to explain, why did you leave? What in the world is a "code green?" Sirius demands.
"Well, I was going to visit James and them that night but when I got there the house was in ruins. I thought Harry to be dead, I was so distraught so I just ran and ran. Somehow I got a portkey to America, and you guys know I have always been interested in how lycanthropy affected our blood, so I went to school and got a couple of degrees in science. Then I began to experiment, to see if I could find a cure to lycanthropy, using gamma radiation. But one of my experiments went wrong and changed my wolf side in to a rage monster, which I think is one of the reasons I survived the gamma blast. So now if I get angry or if I will my wolf to I turn into what my wolf calls the Hulk. Whenever I turn into the Hulk everyone on my team calls it a code green."
"Mr. Banner, there are records of you when you were a child, but if you only knew magic for the first 10 years of your life, how come there are  records?" Peter asked.
"Oh! I can answer that, can I Brucie?!"
"Go ahead Padfoot." I say as I feel my cheeks go red.
"Well, as bruce has always been fascinated in how lycanthropy effected blood, Bruce also learned how many of the muggle things worked, he even made and programed a -what was it? Oh yeah a computer! But he learned by hacking? Is that what it's called?"
"Yes Sirius, it's called hacking." Remus answers.
"I'm still a bit confused."
"Hey Pads, Moony, can you explain so more about our world to Tony?"
"We could also help." May and peter interjects.
Harry walks up to me while the others are explaining to Tony.
"Can I call you Uncle Bruce? I understand that you didn't know I was still alive, but when I go back to Hogwarts, will you come and visit over the holidays?"
"Of course you can call me Uncle Bruce. I will try to visit if I'm not on a mission with my team, Harry."
"What team are you talking about, Uncle Bruce?"
"I think I understand now." I hear Tony say.
"Hey Tony, can we go back to the tower so Pads, Moony, and Harry can meet the team?"
"Brucie, I'm still confused, what team? And what is the team for?"
"I'll explain when we get to the tower, Pads."
Happy LoveYouToTheSunNill9 , and Ikeboj ?

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