Chapter 12: Enter The Furious Pirate part 2

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Fury's POV

I knew who Harry Potter was, and who was Sirius Black, I mean come on, one was an accused murderer, while the other was The- Boy- Who- Lived, who hasn't heard of the boy who lived, besides muggles, I mean. " Well, Banner,"

"It's Potter actually," Stark interrupts.

I raised my eyebrow, that's how Harry is his nephew, "Alright, well, Potter are you gonna start?"

Bruce POV

"How much of the wizarding world do you know about?" I ask Fury, cause muggle or not Fury is the director of SHIELD so he should at least be aware of the wizarding world.

"More than you think, Werewolf," Fury answered, almost arrogantly.

"You knew who Harry, Sirius, and Remus were the entire time didn't you?"

"I admit I knew who Black and Harry were. I mean the kid who lived, and a notorious murderer, what wizard wouldn't?"

"First of all, Rude, second, I'm innocent." Sirius cuts in offended.


"We will explain that but first, Bruce continue," Remus cuts in exasperated.

"Thanks, Mooney, anyway as I was saying Mooney and I would spend full moons in the shack, and James was I guess teaching peter and Sirius to be animagi. Then in Remus' Fifth year and my fourth, James joins us in the shack, along with Sirius, and Peter and we went out on adventures, every full moon since then, til those four graduated and I thought that I would have to transform every full moon without them that year, but James, Sirius, and of course Remus sneaked in to the shack every full moon so I wouldn't be in pain, Peter would sometimes come but, he was busy a lot of the time, and we could never figure out why that was until James was murdered and I knew Peter had sold them out to Voldemort."

"What do you mean Pettigrew sold them out, wasn't Black secret keeper?" Fury asked.

"I would NEVER sell out James, Lily, and Harry. Second, they wanted me to be secret keeper, but I figured that Voldemort would expect that so I suggested that Peter be secret keeper due to no one expecting that he would be made secret keeper. That night when James and Lily were murdered, I knew it was Peters' doing so I gave my bike to Hagrid to take Harry to Bruce, I guess Dumbledore had other plans, and I chased after Peter til I cornered him in the street, then Peter began shouting about I selling them out to the dark lord, blew up the street killing 12 muggles, and he cut off his finger and transformed into a rat. Of course, we weren't registered to the Ministry as animagi so they didn't think he lived, and threw me into Azkaban! Without a trial too!"

"How come you don't transform anymore?" Nat asked.

"Simple, the accident, the Hulk is my wolf, the gamma radiation changed my werewolf into the rage monster known as the hulk. Satisfied?" Nat nods.

"I have a question, why is Harry called the boy who lived?" Clint asked.

Harry POV

I was mad that Sirius never got a trial, then I heard Clint's question. "My turn to share my story isn't it?"

"It appears so," Uncle Bruce says

Hey, hope you liked part 2. 

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