Chapter 6 leaving for America

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Harry POV
We just finished shopping.
"Harry, go pack quickly," Remus told me.
I raced up to my room and packed my spare trunk as quickly as I could. 

Remus POV

When we got back, I sent Harry to pack.

"Sirius, come on we need to pack."

--------Timeskip to them leaving----------
"Harry, come on we have to-."
"I'm right here"
"Alright, Sirius, do yo-, SIRIUS where are you?"
"I'm coming, Moony. Alright I think we're ready to go."
"Portkey leaves in a minute everybody grab hold."
Harry POV
When we landed I looked around and saw that we landed in some shop.
"Welcome to New York, please put your porrkey in the basket labeled London." Said a man dressed in wizard robes. We left the shop and are in a place very similar to Diagon Alley. We leave the alley and exit into the muggle world. "Where are we gonna stay?"
"I don't know" Sirius states very confused.
"I have a place we can stay." Remus states.
"Where is it?"
"If I remember correctly it is in Queens."
I know, I know, I haven't updated the story in a while but I finished this chapter,  finally. The picture is something I found on google that I found very funny. Anyways they're in New York and heading for Queens. I'll try to update soon, bye.

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