Chapter 14: Curse you Parkers' luck

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Peter's POV

I went on patrol after Mr. Stark, Mr. Lupin, Mr. Black, Dr. Banner/Potter, and Harry left. I'll admit that once they left, I couldn't get Harry out of my head. Anyway, I've been on patrol for a couple of hours and as I was swinging back I saw Aunt May leaving the apartment building for work. I saw a criminal with a gun in an alley about to shoot what looked like a kid, but then I saw May run behind him and knock him around the head. I swung down to make sure everyone was all right, as I was calming the kid down and had him run home, Bang, Bang, I turned and saw May with two bullet wounds. I knew Stark Tower was closer and more advanced than any other hospital. So as I swung to Stark Tower, trying to not cry, I asked Karen, "Hey Karen, can you alert Friday I'm swinging towards the tower.

"Right away Peter" I heard.

Harry POV

Once the window was open I saw Peter in an odd spandex costume with May covered in blood. "Cap, take her to the med bay," Uncle Bruce told Steve as he and Tony were running to prep the med bay. Once Steve took May from Peter I immediately ran to comfort Peter. As I wrapped my arms around him I said "let it all out, I got you, It will be alright, Uncle Bruce and Tony has her, she is in safe hands," trying to calm the sobs coming from Peter. After a while, Peter fell asleep, so I picked him up and go to set him on the sofa, but he won't let go. So I sit down on the sofa and have Peter next to me hugging my side. I look over and saw Tony was in the doorway, with a smirk on his face. "What?"

"You like him."


"Don't deny it, I can see it in your eyes. You look at him the way I look at Pepper." I blush not knowing how to respond.

Bruce POV

As I walk towards the living room so I can go see what is taking Tony so long to tell Peter his aunt is stable, I hear Tony say "You look at him the way I look at Pepper." I can't see who he is talking to so I turn the corner and I see Harry, who is red in the face, with Peter curled at his side asleep. "What did you do now Tony?"

"Nothing just asked Harry something."

"Yeah, Uncle Bruce, Tony is just talking." Cuts in a still red-faced Harry.

"So this wouldn't be about you liking Peter?" I asked with a grin.

"Not you too," Harry said exasperated. "Am I really that obvious?"

"To everyone but Peter."

Peter POV

...everyone but Peter" I heard as I woke up. "Everyone but me what?" I asked.

"Umm, hey Bruce, come with me to the lab, I need you to take a look at something. Pete, aunt hottie is stable but asleep you can see her later," I am filled with relief, only then I notice where I'm laying. I turn bright red.
Hey guys, merry Christmas and happy holidays, hope you enjoyed the chapter. I'll try to be more consistent but, no promises.

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