Chapter Two

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the london institute
evelyn doyoung

The London Institute was incredibly different from the one Evelyn had grown up in. In Hanoi, the Institute was a small city town house, though it was grand and wonderful. The garden had been beautifully kept, with little pools and fountains, and the hedges were always neatly trimmed. The London Institute was on the site of a church, and the glamour showed it to be abandoned and decrepit. Someone offered her a hand out of the carriage, but Evelyn, entranced by the Institute, only jumped eagerly down. Jem and Will came to stand on either side of her, flanking her like soldiers. Evelyn stripped the glamour back layer by layer, until the Institute resembled something of a chateau, like the little illustrations her father used to keep in his office of European cities. In the dusk, illuminated windows shone like bright stars against a dark brick sky. A long spire rose into the clouds, like a church's would, made of soft stone and delicate arches.

Evelyn sucked in a short breath and both the boys looked at her curiously. She flushed, "Sorry. It's sounds ridiculous, but it's just, this is how I thought London would look."

"Yes, well, everyone who's not a Londoner finds the city are a rather horrible surprise, what with all the poverty, air pollution, the smell," Will said in a briskly casual tone, "Not to mention that the streets are filled prostit-"

"Will, not now," Jem said hastily, "Come on, Miss Doyoung."

They started off down the driveway, gravel crunching beneath their shoes. They walked in a line of three, like soldiers marching into battle. The doors to the London Institute were huge and heavy oak. Jem lay a hand on the wood, and the doors swung open as if shoved by an invisible force. They revealed a long corridor, and a large staircase. It was grand and clearly expensive, like all institutes. The walls were lined with numerous paintings, landscapes and portraits of stern looking men and women.

Evelyn followed inside, and as the doors shut behind her, her stomach twisted. A very small woman, dressed in a plain dress, came hurrying down the vast hall and was followed by another girl. She was pretty, though a long scar slashed through her mouth and cheek. Evelyn wasn't surprised, many Shadowhunters had been scars.

"Jem, Will," the first woman's tone was stern, "It's gone midnight, you said you would be easily done by ten o'clock. Really, how long does it take-"

She paused as her eyes drifted past Jem's shoulder to where  Evelyn stood. Her brow furrowed in confused and her mouth remained in mid sentence.

"Charlotte," Jem said quickly, "This is Miss Evelyn Doyoung, she's from the Hanoi Institute."

Charlotte looked puzzled, "Hanoi?"

We picked her up off the street," Will added leaning against the stair case. Jem shook his head feverishly, casting a wide eyed look at Will.

"No, not like that-"

"It was a lot like that, James, she physically assaulted me-"

"Boys!" Charlotte said crossly, her face lined, "This is a rather serious. Be sensible!"

Her expression was steely, and the look of suspicion was hard to miss. Evelyn swallowed the horrible feeling of burning anxiety. Her voice felt scratchy in her throat, but she pushed past it until she could speak, "I am from Hanoi. I swear by it. Look I'll show you."

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