Chapter Three

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london institute
jem carstairs + evelyn doyoung

Jem had decided that Evelyn Doyoung was beautiful. She was angelically so, with her long black hair and her perfect features like carved glass. But it wasn't just that which made her beautiful, it was the way she spoke. Jem had heard Evelyn's music from his bedroom and it had been pure and wonderful. He was drawn to it and found his way to the music room. She looked otherworldly when he had walked quietly in, with her head thrown back and eyes shut so her lashes scraped the tops of her cheeks. He had half excepted feathered wings to sprout from her back. There'd been no pianist he'd ever seen before play like Evelyn. When she sat down in front of him, she spoke of music like it was a lifeline. That was when Evelyn was the most beautiful.

When Jem had seen her terrified and panicking on the cold concrete just a few hours before, her words had been slurred and messy. He had calmed her down but it had been difficult and now, in the music room, he could get a feel for her real voice. It was soft and melodic and musical. They had talked for hours, until the sunrise turned pink and rosy. He'd asked her to call him Jem and he loved the way she said it, with a tiny trace of her Vietnamese accent. He could listen to her forever, the way she talked about music and her piano and the pieces she played. Jem had told her played the violin, her eyes had lit up like tiny stars and she'd begged him to play for her. When he returned, he felt anxious to please her and played Bach's sonata in G minor, fourth movement. Evelyn had watched with a smile and never looked away.

It was dawn now, and both of them sat opposite each other saying very little but sitting in comfortable silence. Evelyn was reading, something called 'A Mundane History of France'. Occasionally, her bright green eyes appeared over the top of the pages to smile at him and check he was still there. At around six o'clock, the two doors to the music room burst open. Both Evelyn and Jem jumped up, Evelyn dropping her book. It was Will. Jem relaxed.

"What are you doing?" Will said, glancing from Evelyn to Jem suspiciously. Evelyn blushed but masked it with a glare at Will. She apparently had not forgiven him for almost strangling her yet.

"Nothing," Jem smiled, "What are you here for?"

"Looking for you. And coincidentally, you."

Will pointed to Evelyn. At first, she looked confused.

"What do you want with me? To attempt murder again?"

Will snorted, "No, but Sophie might."

Evelyn clapped a long fingered hand to her mouth.

"Oh no, Sophie!" She exclaimed, "Oh, she's going to think I'm awful! I'd best hurry. Tạm biệt - sorry, I mean goodbye, Jem. And, you, I guess."

With a pointed look at Will, she picked up her book and hugged it to her chest. She left, the long train of her nightdress trailing in time to the swinging of her hair. As she closed the doors behind her, she grinned so only Jem could see, and it lit up her entire face. And then, she was gone. Will made a noise and threw himself onto one of the nearby armchairs.

"What were you really doing here so early?" Will asked Jem, after he was sure Evelyn has disappeared, "And don't lie to me, James. I can tell when you're lying."

Jem had thought about lying a little bit, just because he was not sure he ever wanted to share the few hours he'd had with Evelyn with anyone. Maybe he was being dramatic, he'd only known her just about as many hours anyway. Plus, he couldn't hide things from his parabatai.

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