Schizophrenia. [LP AU] B;5.

883 27 10

"pass us back our ball, idiot."

i rolled my eyes and kicked the ball in what i thought was a resonable way. of course it wasn't though as it came at full speed at the most popular guy in the whole boarding school. he landed harshly on his bum, mouth hung open in shock. his little posse didn't even know what to do... neither did i. i didn't mean to kick that hard, honestly? it was nathan who did it. not me. i don't even like sports. i'm lazy.

"i'll get you back for that you little twat!" the angry guy who had found his way up to his feet with the hard nike football in his hand, getting ready to aim and boot it at me as if i was an open net. oh great, see nathan this is why we don't kick footballs. we just carry on walking as if we're normal. but no, you had to let your anger get the damn better of you - like always.

i was expecting the ball to hurt when it smashed agaisnt my chest but it didn't. if anything the pain felt great. it was a nice walm feeling, making me feel like i was having an adrenline rush. i threw the ball back at luke without a second thought, causing him once again to fall over and this time i walked away.

not only with pride but also in triumph.


[yo this story is gonna be a tad bit confusing and yea just so you know liam is gonna be in the same boarding school as niall is... make SURE YOU READ THE STORIES IN ORDER OR ELSE IT'S CONFUSING YEAH? vote and comment please]

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