Chapter 1: Origin: Brendan Chaldea

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It was early one summer morning, when a bright light appeared on an abandoned lot. The people who lived in the area covered their eyes as they looked at the light. One man said, "Do you think it's a quirk?" "Are we under attack?" "What caused the light?" "Why over the abandoned lot?" As the people continued to ask questions, the light disappeared. However, it left a mansion where there was once nothing. Within the hour, several heroes were called to the scene to investigate the strange appearance of the light. They entered the mansion and began to look around. The mansion seemed to be clean and well kept, but there wasn't any sign of any life in there. The number one hero and Symbol of Peace, All Might, looked in one room and was surprised to find a crib that was blood red. He called for a few more pro heroes before they approached the crib. They were all shocked to find a little baby boy wrapped in a black blanket sleeping in the crib. All Might asked, "What the hell? Why is this kid here?" Another hero said, "Hey, there's a note here?" Endeavor entered the room, "What does it say?" The hero read the note, "This child's name is Brendan Chaldea. He is the owner of this house and all of its valuables. He has immediate access to everything and is to be kept away from other people. Brendan is not to leave the mansion until he is old enough to consent to do so by himself. Any people who wish to take care of Brendan must arrive at the front door of the mansion and state their business before entering. Please be careful of the boy. He is much too precious to have anything happen to him." As the hero finished reading, several heroes looked at the baby. He was small and sleeping peacefully. All Might gently lifted him up, "We should take him to the hospital before anything else." A hero asked, "But doesn't that go against what the note said?" All Might said, "We don't know who wrote that note or what their intentions are. Regardless, we now know that this boy's name is Brendan Chaldea and that he is the owner of this mansion and all its valuables. We must take him to the hospital to make sure that he is okay." With that, All Might took Brendan out of the room and went to the front door. The moment All Might stepped foot outside of the door, he felt the baby gone. He looked and saw that the baby was indeed, gone. Another hero called him back to the baby's room. Once All Might got there, he was shocked to see the baby sleeping peacefully in the crib. The heroes left after finding nothing else in the mansion. They came to the decision to follow the instructions left to them regarding taking care of the baby. So, everyday, some heroes would stop by the mansion to take care of Brendan Chaldea.

Time Skip: Fourteen Years.

It had been years since Brendan Chaldea had stepped foot in his old mansion. By the time that he was five, he already had an IQ of a college student. As such, he quickly finished his studies and managed to graduate even at the high school level. After that, he began traveling the world simply to learn more about the world. Now, he was home and laid down his suitcase. He prepared himself for the next day, as he would be attending Aldera Junior High. Brendan had recently come to the conclusion that to understand people his own age better, he needed to interact with them. 

The next morning, Brendan put on his black uniform and went to the school. He arrived an hour early and immediately went to the principal's office to receive his schedule. He received strange looks from the people that were arriving as he passed them to get to his class. He found no reason for them to be staring. He was a male with black hair that spiked upwards and to the side, he had pale silver eyes, and he was five feet and one inch. Therein lied the problem. He had no understanding of other humans, despite his time attempting to learn about them. Brendan reached his classroom and entered. The teacher was there, preparing for the class. He looked at Brendan, "Ah. You must be the new student." Brendan simply nodded. The teacher said, "Well, just wait outside until I call for you. Then you can introduce yourself to the rest of the class." Brendan did as he was told. He waited until the teacher called out for him. He entered the classroom and stared at his new classmates. The teacher said, "Please, introduce yourself." Brendan said, "My name is Brendan Chaldea." Someone laughed, "What the fuck?!?! You act like some sort of machine? Is that your quirk or something?" The teacher yelled, "Bakugo, don't insult him." Brendan, however, didn't even register the words as an insult, so he just replied, "I cannot think. I cannot feel. I can only cause harm. I act like a machine you said? Yes, I believe that that would be the correct comparison." The students and teacher looked at Brendan. In the fourteen years of his life, Brendan Chaldea had never shown any sign of emotion. Even as a baby, the closest thing that he showed to emotion was making motions to signify that he was hungry. The teacher said, "Well, why don't you take your seat? You sit next to Midoriya. Midoriya, please raise your hand." As soon as Midoriya did that, Brendan went and took his seat. He stared forward and listened as the teacher discussed the future of the students. Then Bakugo began talking about going to UA and the teacher mentioned that Midoriya was applying as well. Brendan listened to the conversation. Brendan was piqued by what Midoriya said, Become a hero? If I were to attend UA, then I might be able to gain an understanding of humans. Then perhaps, I too, can become a human.

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