Chapter 1

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Today was my first day at Magnolia University. I feel really excited and a little nervous as I stand in front of the two story campus. It was more grand in real life than the pictures I had seen and stretched for miles. I pull my bag out off my small silver car and swing it over my shoulder. I sigh and look up at the sky, the weather could not have been nicer for late September. This was it, a new opportunity for a fresh start.

Just as I cross the small street from the parking lots to the main entrance a motorcycle comes out of the corner at full speed.

Headed straight at me!

I gasp, frozen in fear. I was sure the motorcycle will hit me.  A loud screeching comes from it as it stops mere centimeters from me. I let out a deep breath I didn't know I was holding and try to steady my pounding heart.

The person driving the motorcycle takes of the helmet and glares at me with dark icy blue eyes. He is a tall guy with black spiky hair that seems to go in all directions.

"Are you blind? I nearly ran you over." he snaps in a cold angry voice.

What? I was still trying to recover from the shock of almost getting run over. And now this guy was making it look like it was all my fault! Perhaps I should have checked twice before crossing but he shouldn't have been driving full speed either.

"Are you deaf too" he says irritated and rolls his eyes.

I want to curse him out. Who the hell did he think he was talking to me like that.

"I-I am not deaf" is my stupid response.

"It sure looks like it. Now get out of my way"

Automatically I take a step back and he speeds away. My blood is boiling inside, angry  for not being able to defend myself. My first day and already it was going bad.

After getting my schedule and a map of the campus I make my way to my first class. Things actually start going better after, that I almost forget about the incident from earlier.

That is until I accidentally bump hard into someone, all the papers and notebooks go flying from my hands and scatter at the floor.
When I see who it is my blood boils again as Icy blue eyes glare at me once more.

"You again" the guy from the motorcycle groans. " You really need to watch where you're going" his voice is cold.

"You need to stay out of my way" I retort surprised by my bravery.

"Woah. Feisty" a guy next to him says laughing. He is just as tall with the same messy hair. Except his eyes are a very dark color they look black.

"So is this the idiot you almost ran over this morning? Because I see nothing dumb about her" The guy continues to laugh.


I glare at both of them.

"Shut up Natsu" the black haired guy says.

"Actually he's the imbecile who wasn't watching where he was going" I shoot back and bend down to pick up my papers. Natsu seems really amused at our bickering.

"Whatever. I don't have time to argue with a clumsy girl like you" the black haired guy says and walks past me, kicking all my papers further without caring. Natsu follows. 



I mentally curse him.

"Gray is such an asshole" a girl says as she bends down and helps me pick up my papers.

"Thanks" I say getting to my feet as she hands me the rest of my stuff. She is very curvy with blonde hair and brown eyes. She's really pretty.

"Don't let them get to you. Natsu and Gray are always such jerks. I'm Lucy." She says giving me a very bright cheery smile.

"Juvia" I reply.

"So it's your first year at Magnolia University?"

"That obvious huh"

"Only a little" she gestures trying to hide a smile. "So where are you headed?"

After telling her she points me in the right direction, "See ya around Juvia" she smiles and leaves to her class.

I hurry to class knowing I'm late. I open the door and everyone turns to look at me. I blush embarrassed and then glare when I see the culprit of my tardiness causally sitting in a chair.


His eyes narrow when he sees me.

The teacher clears his throat, " Your name?" he asks.

"Juvia Lockser." I reply a little embarrassed at all the stares.

"Take a seat" he says after checking his clipboard.

I sit as far away from Gray as I possibly could already dreading this class.

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