Chapter 18

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I follow Gray into his apartment, I was right, this place is so luxurious. I stand in the doorway my eyes wandering around the whole room. Everything is black and white. There's a living room set in the middle with a glass table in the center. He has a bar off to the right side that has a lot of bottles and glass cups hanging that are neatly organized, and the white walls have a few portraits hanging on them. Even though the apartment is kind of plain it still manages to look luxurious. There's also a tall window, almost like a balcony that goes from the floor to the roof. The curtains are drawn, exposing the night outside.

"Have a seat." Gray tells me as he pulls off his jacket, tosses it on the sofa and casually strolls to the bar for a drink.

My gaze follows him, he looks so out of place in this very nice apartment. He wears jeans and a plain black shirt that hugs his body perfectly exposing half of his tattoo on his arm. Briefly I wonder how hot he'll look like in a suit.

Reluctantly I make my way down the two steps to the living room, my footsteps echoing in the black tile floor. I sit perfectly straight on his very comfortable white sofa, my nerves rising.

"Would you like a drink?" He offers.

I shake my head as it seems all words have left me. He comes and sits on the sofa opposite from me, he leans back and crosses one leg over the other, drink in hand and just observes me.

I curse inside my head, he looks so damn hot!

I take of my jacket to give him time to say something, my fingers clumsily fumbling through the buttons. Still he doesn't say anything. After some time I can't take it anymore and decide to break the silence to get it over with.

"Are you just going to keep staring at me?" I try to sound annoyed.

"I'm waiting for your explanation." He says simply and sips his drink.

I knew he would make this difficult. Instead of cowering down I lift up my chin and look him square in the eye. I would not let him intimidate me.

"Fine. I was drunk and I didn't know what I was doing. It was a stupid mistake which I regret." I try to sound convincing as I use the same excuse he gave me.

"Do you?" He raises a questioning brow at me.

"Y-yes" I swallow sounding totally unsure.


He looks amused as he tries to hide a smile and sets his drink on the table as I glare at him.

"Are we done here? You just wanted to know why I did it? Well now you have your answer." I get up to leave, he was really making me mad just watching him enjoy my discomfort.

He puts himself in front of me blocking my path, I try to swerve him but he puts his arm around my waist and pulls me to him, my hands on his chest.

"Don't run Juvia. Don't be scared of me." He whispers.

I stare at his full inviting lips too scared to look him in the eyes. My heart is racing so fast from his proximity, I feel his hard chest and realize our bodies fit so perfectly together.

"I-I. I'm not scared of you." I stammer.

"And you shouldn't be. I will never do anything you didn't want me to do."

"I know" I whisper.

And I did. Gray could be many things. He was a complete jerk but I knew he would never force himself on me.

"God you don't know how much I want to taste you again." His voice is low and husky. I look up at him and our eyes lock, confusion on my face.

"But you said this was a mistake?" I search his eyes for an answer.

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