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Chapter {32}
{Scandal in the host club!}

   It was a beautiful spring afternoon and the host club found themselves outside once again in the courtyard. Frolicking happily as they entertained their guests, however a certain blonde that was stricken with anxiety shakily served the guests tea as her mind kept racing a hundred miles per second.

   The calming air, and friendly chatter couldn't seem to get Emiko's mind off her mother, or off the fact that her and Kyoya...will soon...

    "EMIKOOO! DUCKKKK!" Came a abrupt shout, the blonde was instantly pushed to the ground and a ball came soaring past the two blondes over head.

   "O-Ow— Tamaki!" Grunted the brown orbed girl, dirt and grass sticking to her maid outfit as she sat up.

    "HIKARU! You almost sniffed Emiko out! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH PAIN KYOYA WOULD'VE CAUSED YOU?!" Tamaki stated dramatically, glaring over at the auburn haired boy who just shrugged innocently along with Kaoru.

   "It's your fault for not catching the ball in the first place boss—"

   "Yea who knew you'd be bad at Kemeri, so said the genji of Ouran Academy." Finished Kaori, the two boys still shrugging with a humph.

   Tamaki only had an irk mark on his face, but never less calmed down a bit and helped up Emiko off the ground knowing that the blonde was very fragile— plus the fact Kyoya would kill Tamaki if any major harm had happened to the said girl.

   "You alright?" He asked, a warm smile blossoming to his face.

    "Y-Yeah," Replied Emiko, gibbing off a small smile as well her heart tightening.

   If she were to marry Tamaki, what would he say? Surely he wouldn't agree, he couldn't after all she knew he loved Haruhi...and Haruhi always looked like she loved him back. Emiko couldn't ruin that. There's no way she'd ruin something that special!

   The teen was soon snapped out of her thoughts when she heard Tamaki let out a shout then a grunt.


    In the speed of light itself the ball was kicked out of the court yard, Hikaru and Kaoru waved at the ball with their handkerchief dramatically bidding farewell to the poor object.

    "Tamaki— that ball is heading straight towards that window—"

    Emiko had stand corrected, and now here the host club was standing in front of the president of the news paper club. A sheepish smile on her face as she stood beside her husband, Haruhi, Hani, and Mori cleaned the glass up as Hikaru and Kaoru read the sorry excuse of news paper.

   "Please accept our apology," Tamaki bowed once more, his head down in shame as he apologized.

   "No don't worry, it's no big deal," The boy began, "Could've  happened to anyone, right? Just a ball flying through the window hitting me upside the head," He finished, almost sarcastically making Tamaki do another small bow apologizing.

   "I'm sorry," He murmured.

  "Well this does work out perfectly! I was just about to approach the host club about a cover story, I don't know if you'd be interested?"

  "Huh, I didn't know we had a news paper club," Haruhi chimed in, looking up from the floor and at the president.

   Hikaru open the news paper he was reading and showed it to Haruhi, explaining the details on how the news paper clubs only covered fake news.

   Then the president began talking about how they wanted to bring in more readers, and spewing nonsense on how they just now were realizing their errors. However Emiko did not really trust them, scooting a little closer to her lover she grabbed the hem of his kimono sleeve lightly so she wouldn't draw attention to them both.

    Nodding Tamaki smiled happily, "On behalf of the host club—" However the blonde was cut off from his words of agreement by Kyoya.

   "—we will have to decline." Kyoya said, a polite smile on his face even though he had elbowed his friend chin.

   "B-But Kyoyaa! He got hurt because of me! What's the big deal?!" Tamali said, swinging his arms around to get through Kyoya however the dark haired male just persisted in not.

   "We have a rule prohibiting us from telling you any information to others that are not our guests, so I'm sorry, but we'll have to decline," Kyoya repeated his words, keeping a fake smile on his face.

  "And another thing, what makes you think we'll help you spread more lies and gossip? We have a reputation to uphold and you guys would just ruin it," Kaoru stated, crossing his arms with a frown on his face.

  "And who would wanna get mixed up in that?" Hikaru added to his brothers statements, giving a small shrug as Haruhi deadpanned at the two of them.

   "I..I understand, I guess you truly can't erase the sins of the past," The newspaper president began spewing sad words trying to guilt trip Tamaki into agreeing while as Emiko just wanted to desperately leave and change out of her dirty uniform.

    "We will help! With the power of the host club we will reestablish the news paper club together!" Tamaki cheered, his eyes sparkling.

   "Well count is out," The twins exclaimed, dragging Haruhi by the arms out of the room.

   Emiko blinked as well feeling herself too get picked up and carried out of the room but this time by her husband.

   "You're way to trusting boss—"

    "—yea there's no way we'd go out and do something like this."

   "We're going too Tamaki, we're holding an evolution meeting, mostly about you,"

   As the host club went to leave the cramped room full of news paper, Tanaka raised his voice in full anger and disappointment:


   Silence engulfed the room, making Emiko feel sorry for her best friend however she too didn't want to help them they were just so creepy. And as Kyoya adjusted her in his arm the rest of the host club members said in sync:

   "We're not going to do it!"

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