Chapter 5

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Chapter title: Don't go down to the basement

To Mikey Way: hey, can Brendon and I come over??

Meadow played with her phone in her hands and eyed Brendon weirdly, "why is it you want to go over again?" She asked.

Brendon looked side to side as if expecting someone to be listening into the conversation, "between you and me," he whispered, "I kind of find that Mikey guy attractive, well, of course, he's straight as a pole and has eyes for you, but it got me thinking. You said he has a brother, and if the looks run in the genes then high chances are he's just as or even more attractive, and who knows, he might even bend the other way." Brendon winked at the end, making Meadow squirm from discomfort.

"First off, ew. Secondly, what do you mean by he has eyes for you?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Stated Brendon, "he has literal heart eyes for you, how have you not noticed?"

"I don't know, I just don't look for it I guess," mumbled Meadow, checking her phone.

"Well next time pay attention missy! You can't remain single forever!"

"But by being single I can focus on more important things, like my studies," defended Meadow, "anyway he said we can come over."

The pair walked to the Way Household in silence, aside from the silly faces they would pull at one other in an attempt to make the other laugh.

Just as Meadow was about to knock, the door swung open, "I could see you from the street," shrugged Mikey, "anyway come in."

"Observation number one," Brendon whispered into Meadow's ear.

"Gerard! We have visitors!" Yelled Mikey in the direction of the basement.

"That's nice, don't care!" Yelled back an even louder voice.

"Meadow is here!"


The trio heard the stomping of feet exit out of the basement and an out of breath Gerard enter the room. "Hi Meadow," he walked up and hugged her, "it's been a while, how have you been?" He pulled away and held her at arm's length.

"Well besides finding out my mother is going to die soon, pretty good," she responded.

Gerard grimaced, "Mikey told me about that, I'm sorry to hear about..."

"No, don't do that. Don't apologise, I don't want people to dwell on this, it just makes situations like these plain awkward." Explained Meadow.

"Yes, you're right, shall we go sit down? I'll grab some soda," Gerard suggested.

They nodded and sat on the couch, Brendon instantly leaning over to Meadow, "holy fuck he is hot," whispered Brendon into Meadow's ear, "and I think I'm sensing a gay vibe too, but I'm not totally sure."

"I can check," said Meadow, instantly leaning over to Mikey much to Brendon's protest, "Hey Mikey, is your brother gay?"

"Um, I'm sorry what?" He spluttered out.

Meadow looked over to Gerard who was closing the fridge and making his way over, "quick Mikey! Yes or no," she hissed.

"Um, I mean, I think so. Off by memory."

Meadow leaned back to an upright position, "thanks," she smiled and turned to Brendon, "yup, Mikey is pretty sure he is."

Brendon laughed and fist pumped the air, but sadly it didn't go unnoticed by Gerard as he sat down. "What's this about?" He asked, "also Meadow who even is this guy?"

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