AN~ this chapter is a summary of what happened for the past 10 months. Signs like this ⏪ represents the past. 🔃 change of scene but still in the past. ◀present day.
10 months later.Yeah it's been 10 months in WWH and lots of things has happened.
Now let's take a ride to my memory lane.
This happens the next month in WWH. Medal is gone to another school and the boys and I are now pretty close."wake up Cupcake, it's time for school" those words woke me up from my precious sleep. Have been sleeping well these days. I could hear the snoring sound of Lassia and giggles of Syrus. I ignore my mom and sleep more.
"would you get up now? Or you be late" she yells. "argh!!!!!"
I stood up only to see Syrus in my room, "what are you doing in my room?" I snap.
"you don't need shout. Just looking for my spellbook" he says.
Yeah! Royal school is resuming today.
"well its not in here. Get out" I reply pulling over the duvet and getting off my bed.
"but am sure it's in here somewhere"
"not its not. Use a locator spell to locate its whereabout. Now get the fu*k out of my room" I yell.
"language Cupcake" mom warns.
"fine! Brother dearest pls get out of my room" I fake smile.
"I hate you" then he leaves.
I take my bathe, brush my teeth, got ready for school and change my hair colour to sunflower blonde and pack it into a messy low side bun with waves and wear my brown flower shaped crystal headpin. I wear my brown coloured boots and pick up my bag.
"morning mom" I say as soon as I got to the kitchen.
"you woke up late today cupcake. Here, have some waffles"
"why can't I have muffins with extra extra extra chocolate chips and blueberry?" I ask pouring syrup on my waffles. Then my mom gives me the worried look. "what? It's just a suggestion" I shrug and return eating my waffles.
After breakfast, I leave for school. So here I am now, walking down the school hallway to my locker. Then I see my boys sorry the HNP brothers.
"hey guys" I say waving my hands.
"oh! Hii Jess."
Then we start walking and talking mostly about food. That's what we all agree on.
"... So ketchup with boiled egg is the best" Nate says with a smirk.
Have never thought about it but now he says it, I'll try it.
"there you are Pete, have been looking all over for you." Cilia, Pete's girlfriend comes around and they hug and kiss. Then she looks at me and grimace, "what is she doing here?" she asks Pete.
He looks her, then at me, then he looks at her again, "babe, Jess is a friend" he says calmly.
She frowns, "a friend?"
"yeah! Got a problem with that?" he raises an eye brow.
"yes, got every problem with that. C'mon Pete, you know Clancy must not know -"
Speak of the devil, Clancy appears right in front of Zel. "that?" she asks. "oh baby boo" then she kisses Zel on his lips making me feel heart ache but I still manage to smile.

Teen FictionJessica Northwich is a teenage witch(hey! I'm a good witch). Yea, she is a good witch living in Oz. She loves food(food is BAE. "Jessy why don't you go eat while I make the description" okay). Like I was saying, Jessica's life changes when she goes...