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"Percy, do you see anything?" Clint questioned.

I pressed the com in my ear. "Negative. Nat what about you?"

"Nothing. Except that store has a nice sale on heels."

Sighing I shook my head. Why do I even bother? She'll tell us if she sees anything.

Then a figure caught my eye as it ducked around a corner.

"Got something. I'm gonna check it out."

I stood up and walked towards where the figure disappeared.

Mall personnel only huh? Welp, let's hope I don't get put in mall jail. That place isn't as fun as it might sound.

And I don't want to get banned from another mall.

I slipped into the hallway, catching a glimpse of the figure again. I walked towards them, taking the longest strides I could.

The next time I saw the figure, I relaxed. Not the person-

"Scream and I'll cut your throat." A voice whispered in my ear.


I didn't fight as the person pulled me backwards through another door.

Once the door swung shut, I grabbed his wrist and turned his arm so the flat of the blade was to my neck.

And then I subsequently pushed his hand back far enough for it to snap.

As the knife clattered to the floor, I kicked backwards before flipping him.

"Didn't your mother ever tell you not to play with knives?" I picked the blade up, turning it so light would flash off of it.

He tried to scrambled backwards but I simply placed a foot on his chest.

"What do you want?" I pulled out some wet wipes, making a show of cleaning his weapon.

"J-just some flash drive. I don't know anything more than that!"

"Good. Means I don't have to hurt you. But then again you could be lying so..." I put more of my weight on him and I made sure the heel of my shoe was digging under his ribs.

"H-honest! The boss just wants back at another gang! I swear!"

I smiled but it didn't reach my eyes. "Thank you, sorry for hurting you."

The relief washed over him, and I watched as that changed to shock as I buried the knife in his heart.

His hands rushed to the handle and he pulled it out.

I smirked and walked away while wiping my hands with the wipes.

Hope he likes knowing the sound of my heels would be the last thing he'll ever hear.

"Some sort of turf war Nat."

"Kinda figured that." I heard crashing from her end.

"You okay?"

"Busy, call back later."

Well then...

"Clint you done?"

"Yep, I'm at the food court."

Welp guess I get to go eat at one of the two restaurants in this dead malls food court.

As I reached it, I could see Clint sitting with three trays on the table.

"Find anything?" He asked around his slice of pizza.

I shook my head. "Pretty sure a gang made some knockoffs."

He nodded and pushed me the tray with a stromboli on it.

"Thanks Clint."

"No problem chickadee."

I dug in, completely ignoring Nat as she walked over blood barely noticable on her dark clothing.

"Thanks Barton." She grabbed her salad.

"Finally going on that diet?" I rolled my eyes.

"Percy, all we eat at the tower is grease. This is like the only chance I get to eat something healthy."

"Coming from the woman who consistently microwaves a can of ravioli." Clint smiled before wiping the grease off his hands.

When we finished eating, we left. Dead malls give me the creeps.

"Clint sit in the front!"

"No! I'm gonna sit with Percy!"

Chuckling I got in the passenger seat. "You're not sitting on my lap Clint."

Nat started the car and we began the long ride back to the tower.


"No! No don't!"

I shot up in the bed and quickly started shaking Clint as he tossed around.

"Wake up!"

"Come on Clint! Please!"

But he didn't seem to want to.

I sighed and pulled water from the air before tossing it on him.

His eyes shot open and he threw me across the room.

Groaning in pain, I sat up and rubbed my head.

"Chickadee?!" He leapt out of bed and knelt next to me.

He pulled me to his chest and kissed my head. "You're okay you're okay. I'm not going to let anyone hurt you."

I wrapped my arms around him, gently hushing him as he kept repeating those words and similar ones.

"Do you want to go get something to eat?" I mumbled.

"No. You need to get more sleep. And I think I might go train. Then I could get the nap."

Clint released me. Then he stood up and left, leaving me to sit on the floor.

I gingerly touched the back of my head, wincing as I did so.

Must have hit it on the dresser or something. How did Clint not notice this?

Also, this is when I'm glad I can heal myself. Makes keeping this from Clint a whole lot easier. If he knew he hurt me...

I sighed and pulled more water from the air before healing myself.

What was Clint dreaming about that would make him...make him so concerned about me?

He knows what I've survived. He knows I can handle myself.

So what on Earth was he having a nightmare about?


I have a ton of homework


See yah

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