A Lesson

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Andromeda wasn't sure how long she was wandering for, but it was long enough that the evening was turning cool and she was beginning to get nervous. Narcissa would probably be home by now. She was hungry too, and saw a sign with food on it. Andromeda had never seen a takeaway before, and she had never even touched muggle money. She sat in one of the little booths and watched the people get their food, the smell of cooking food making her hungrier. It was very busy and she watched the muggles walk in and out, half terrified by how close was to them, half wonderous.The man at the counter was watching her, probably wondering if she was going to get anything, but Andromeda didn't know what to do.

She used the slightly grimy bathroom and saw her pale reflection in the mirror. Merlin, what was she doing? She didn't know where she was, she was surrounded by muggles, and she didn't have a clue what time it was. She forced herself not to cry. Andromeda tried hard not to cry in general. Crying had never been encouraged by her parents. As far as they were concerned, it was a weakness. A crying child never received attention, and a crying adult for that matter was pathetic.

Andromeda washed her hands and left the bathroom, sitting down at an empty table just as the door to the takeaway opened again. It was a boy in a leather jacket, his dark hair cut in that shaggy style all teenage boys seemed to like now. He went up to the counter and ordered some food. Hands in his pockets, he stepped back to wait, then took out a packet of cigarettes and a box of matches. It took him a few seconds to light a match, but he got it eventually, shaking it out. Through the smoke he noticed Andromeda watching him, and gave a crooked grin - she blushed and looked down at the wooden table in front of her.

A few minutes passed, her face burning hot, and then she heard footsteps. 


It was him again, cigarette gone, tray of food in his hands.

"Hi," she said nervously.

He flashed her that crooked grin again. "Mind if I sit here? It's just all the other tables are gone.....are you waiting for somebody?"

"No, you can sit," she said, and he did so, pulling his chair into the table with a scrape of the floor. He dug into his food as she watched, taking in his clothes - the jacket, the t shirt, the jeans. He was so muggle.

"Hungry? You can have the chips if you like."

"Thank you, but I'm fine."

"You sure? I'm probably not gonna eat them, and you look hungry...." he slid them across the table, and against her better judgement she gave a small smile. 

She ate them daintily, mindful that they were his, and he watched her with something like amusement.

"What's your name, then?"

"Andromeda Black," she said automatically, used to introducing herself by her full name.

He laughed, his blue eyes crinkling. "Well then hi, Andromeda Black. I'm Jacob. I like the whole hippie thing you've got going on."

She blinked. "I'm sorry?"

"The long dress and the big hair, the name. All you need is the dangly earrings. I like it, it's cool. Very Lennon."

She didn't know who Lennon was, but she took it as a compliment. "Thanks."

"So what school do you go to, then? I haven't seen you round."

"Oh, boarding school," she said vaguely.

"Seriously? And there I was thinking I had a chance."

It took a moment to process his words but she blushed again, avoiding his gaze. Instead she looked out of the window, shocked to see it was getting dark.

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