Bellatrix's Ball

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Bellatrix came to tea the day after, obviously prompted by the news. She told Druella she wanted to talk to Andromeda alone, so they were left alone in the quiet of the parlour.

"So," Bellatrix said, and she put her teacup down in the saucer with a gentle clink. "Alfred Travers."

She was in a good mood today, and Andromeda was glad. It was difficult to get along with Bellatrix at the best of times, especially when she didn't feel like being civil. Bellatrix and Druella's polite frosty conversation was hard enough.

"Yes," Andromeda said. "What's he like, Bellatrix?"

Bellatrix made a soft sound. "A bore. An idiotic bore. But at least you haven't been put with some brute like Goyle."

Andromeda sipped her tea. "How old is he?"

Her older sister shrugged. "Late thirties maybe forty? I know he wants a son, and he's getting desperate. He's the last male of his direct line. He'll probably be very eager for it."

She smirked, but Andromeda blushed. She didn't know much about it, except from when Glenda had found a strange book in her mother's bedroom and they had giggled over all the rude words. That seemed a long time ago now, lost in the past, more like twenty years than two. She missed Glenda. The realisation came upon her suddenly, like a tidal wave. She missed her so much.

"What's it?" She asked Bellatrix, still blushing.

"Sex," she said, unashamedly. "Grandmother told me all about it before I married Rodolphus."

Andromeda coughed, her face hot. "How does it work?"

"Oh, there's not much to it. You mostly just have to lie there and make the right noises and get him to think he's brilliant," Bellatrix rolled her eyes.

This didn't fill Andromeda in much. She knew from books that there was a different part men had, that was supposed to go into a woman's part. But it seemed so horrible and painful.

"Does it hurt?"

"A bit, the first time. Then it just gets boring."

She saw Andromeda's face. "Don't worry," she said, and patted her arm. "It gets easier. Anyway, Rodolphus and I are having a ball this Friday. The Dark Lord is curious about you."

"Me?" She half whispered.

"Yes, you. I've told him about you, and he did see you at the ball with Grandmother. He was impressed by your spirit. He thinks you have a fire. The Dark Lord can tell those kind of things, just from looking at somebody. He's curious. So you'd better look well on Friday, and be mannerly. I heard what happened with Grandmother."

Andromeda looked up at her dark eyes, but her sister just shook her head. There was no sympathy there. "What were you doing?"

"I was lost," she mumbled. "I told her."

"Well, let's hope you were," Bellatrix looked at her face. "Don't look such a misery guts, Andromeda! The Dark Lord is leading us into a golden age. Haven't you seen the papers? We're winning!"

"But it causes all this pain," she murmured, her voice suddenly thick. "They kill muggles. Greyback bites children."

"It has to be done," Bellatrix said. "We're cleansing the world. Children have to suffer for the crimes of their parents, harsh as it sounds. You wouldn't understand it, it's all politics."

She touched Andromeda's forearm, in the place where the Mark would be. "The Dark Lord forgives, Andromeda," she said softly. "But it comes with a price. He never forgets. You mustn't ever doubt him."

"I won't," Andromeda said, but there was a hard lump in her throat.

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Bellatrix's ball came on a warm night. They all went, Druella, Andromeda and Narcissa. Druella wore a long dress, dusky pink, with a white shawl, her hair up in a twist. She looked very elegant, and Narcissa, though she was only fifteen, looked every bit the same. Andromeda's sister was tall, and had flawless ivory skin and blue eyes, her long hair golden. She didn't wear makeup, but she didn't need to. Andromeda's little sister was beautiful, and she couldn't help but be a little jealous. Sebastian had never accepted any of the men who asked him for Narcissa, because he knew she could get far better, but he had just accepted the first proposal for Andromeda, which smarted a little. She knew she was his second choice too, after Narcissa. She always was. Why would anyone sane ever pick a dark haired, pudgy girl with wonky teeth over a blond beauty?

When they arrived, Andromeda's grandmother came drifting over. Every time Andromeda looked at her, she felt the harsh pain of that cane. The worst thing was that Roseanne didn't seem to realise what she had done, or care. She acted completely normal.

She kept talking about organising an engagement party for Andromeda and Alfred, and Andromeda was murmuring "yes" and "of course" whilst not really listening, looking for an escape route. It was found in Bellatrix, who was standing by the large bookcase in the hall. When she saw Andromeda, she waved her over.

"Excuse me," Andromeda said to Roseanne, and moved forward. Bellatrix was standing with an attractive middled aged couple. The man was tall, with glossy black hair and cold blue eyes. The woman was small, with beautifully styled blonde curls. Lacrimosa's mother and stepfather. Andromeda was on high alert immediately.

"This is my sister Andromeda," Bellatrix introduced her. "Andromeda, this is Nathanial and Celeste Travers. Excuse me-"

Bellatrix left, weaving her way through the crowd.

"Charmed," Nathanial said, and he took her hand and kissed it. Andromeda tried hard not to shudder. "I believe you are joining our family," he said, and his eyes glittered. "My cousin, Alfred?"

"Oh," she said, and coughed. "Oh yes."

"Congratulations on the engagement," he said, letting go of her hand at last.

"Thank you," she said, and took a drink from a nearby tray, desperate to be anywhere else.

"We've been hearing very good things about you, Andromeda," Celeste said. "Very good things indeed. I'm sure you will be a worthy addition."

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